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Just when I was trying to find myself, I am starting to fade into nothingness.” he looks at me confused, “What is that supposed to mean? Just now you seemed like you were having a panic attack.” his words make me frown. Jungkook rushed towards me as soon as Jaehyun had walked out. “I am not having any attack, you are overreacting.” I say calmly.

He laughs, taking a seat in front of me, “I am overreacting? I barely react.” I laugh too, “Congrats on that self awareness.” the smile however, quickly fades away. “I am just having second thoughts. This...” I look at the ring sitting on my finger, “is way more of a bigger deal than I thought.” I sigh.

“Why don't you just leave?” he suggests, “That's the problem, anyone else in my place would leave right? I wish I would have felt the same but I don't. Does that make me selfish?” I look at Jungkook for his opinion, not knowing since when does it matter. “You are a lot of things, but selfish? I am not sure about that.” he keeps a straight face.

“Was that a compliment?” I smirk, knowing very well that I should not push it, “I have worked with a lot of people, you just don't seem like a rich snob, it's a fact.” he says getting up. “You must have a lot on your plate today. I will leave you to it.” he walks away.


Watching Anna pace back and forth inside the green room is irritating the hell out of me. “What would you take to have a seat?” I stop her, “Met in London, fell in love...” she has been repeating her script since the past two hours and I am just so sick of listening about the love birds fairytale. “Give me a damn break and sit your ass down.” she finally looks at me.

“What if I stutter? shit, would that be on the news?” she looks around anxious. “Who is the one overreacting now? You are gonna be just fine Anna.” she clearly isn't listening to me. “The coffee is here.” it happens like a chain reaction, the staff walks inside in a rush, her heels twists, coffee cup slips out of her hands, gets splashed over Anna's white satin blouse.

Someone's getting fired today.

“What the actual fuck? You had one job for gods sake!” incompetence infuriates me especially when it negatively affects someone else. “I– I am so... so sorry, I– oh my...” she picks up the coffee cup. When I can see past my rage, I notice Anna standing still in shock. “You okay?” I give her a shake, “Yeah? Yeah, just burns a little.” she snaps out of her daze. A little? the coffee was steaming though, I don't have time to think about it.

“You.” I turn towards the poor excuse of a staff, “You are going to regret showing up at work today–” Anna cuts me off. “Are you alright? You are shaking like a leaf.” she asks the girl. “I am so sorry, it's my first day and... I was just so nervous” and now she fucking sobs, the audacity. “Who hired you?” I scoff but Anna elbows me, followed by a glare.

Damn great, now I am the bad guy who made a poor girl cry on the first day of her job.

“It's alright, I am totally fine alright? Don't worry about it.” Anna being the fucking angel she is, comforts the crying girl. “What about your blouse?” I ask, the white has been badly stained with a beige color. “Do you guys have an extra pair of blouse here?” she asks the girl. “I don't think so...” she speaks slowly.

“What do you even know—” I am elbowed again before I could finish, 'be nice', Anna mouths at me to which I roll my eyes. The problem of the century, I can't act nice. “You go on, calm yourself down. I will see what I can do.” the girl walks out gratefully nodding at Anna's words.

“Aren't you such an angel.” I comment, “She was already feeling bad enough, you were making it worse.” she pouts with annoyance. “Alright Mother Teresa, what about that?” she shrugs. “I should call Jaehyun?” she contemplates. “Take it off.” I say, “Excuse me?” her eyes widen, “Wh– What are you doing?” her cheeks turn red.


Okay, Jungkook is stripping, in front of me, STRIPPING! He slips of his blazer and unbuttons his white shirt. I instinctively look at the door, it's shut. Wait? No– “What is even going on?” he takes off his shirt and hands it to me. “Wear this instead.” His left arm covered in a full sleeve tattoo that travels to the left side of his chest, spiraling down to the side of his torso.

“Believe me love, you will have other occasions to check me out, now is not the time.” I look back at him grabbing the shirt out of his hand. “Wait outside.” he puts his blazer back on, over his bare upper body. Somehow he looks way more hot– I need to change.

I look myself in the standing mirror. The shirt neatly tucked into the mid length leather pencil skirt. The neck line is a bit lower and I had to fold up the sleeves due to the size difference but it looks presentable nonetheless.


“Did you know who Mr. Choi was when you met him in London?” the reporter directed the question towards me. The conference hall was filled with reporters from reputated news channels along with editors from various news papers. The back of the hall lined with cameras flashing every now and then.

“No I didn't, I don't think it would have mattered anyway. I had already fallen in love by then.” I said with confidence and turned to look at Jaehyun, smiling softly which he reciprocated, reaching out to hold my hand. The camera flashes got quicker, probably taking close up shots.

Both of us were playing our roles just fine.

“Is it true that you are also from a business back ground?” I nodded in response. “It seems a bit convenient, there are rumors about a merger going around and it's quickly followed by the engagement announcement. What do you have to say about this?” another reporter asked. My breath stuck in my throat, do they know? Can they tell all of this is not real? What do I do?

Okay, I need to get my self together.

“I might be a business student but my fiancé's business doesn't concern me. To everyone he might be the CEO of a multi-billion company but to me he is the love of my life and my future husband and I hope people perceive us accordingly.” I say with a tight smile.


“Quite the acting skills you have, one might think you are actually in love.” Jungkook said as he escorted me back to the green room. Jaehyun was already waiting inside. “Seems like my father has bought the whole act, he hasn't contacted me yet about the engagement.” he says as soon as I walk in.

“That's good, what about the rumor?” I ask, “Where is your shirt?” He asks Jungkook and Jungkook, instead of replying just looks at me. “What exactly happened?” Jaehyun's tone got bitter. “Long story.” I quickly add. “Well I will find the source of the rumor soon.” Jaehyun says looking at Jungkook with a frown while he speakes.

“We have the engagement party to attend this evening, so get some rest. I have some matters to attend.” Jaehyun says, answering his ringing cell, walking out of the room. “Would you like to comment on the life of being a trophy wife?” Jungkook says with a tone of satire, mimick the reporters from earlier. “Nope, follow me bodyguard.” I say walking out.

“Someone is being bossy.” I hear him say.

━━━ 사소한 일에도 결과가 있다 ━━━
« Trivial things also have consequences. »

Author's Note :- Hey you guys! It's been a while. I am barely managing to sort out some time for writing but failing miserably at it. But anyways, thank you for reading ♡』


• 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 • 𝐉𝐉𝐊 [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now