Y/n x Cordelia (smut)

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You and Cordelia got together after you came to the coven. You grew close pretty quickly and became inseparable. That led to you having relations and then eventually agreeing to be together.

One day your lying on your bed on your phone after a full day of class, when Delia walks in finding you. You'd gotten a bit too hot in the room so you'd stripped to just your underwear, lying in your side/stomach oblivious you're being seen.

Delias POV.

After I finished prepping the lessons for tomorrow, I couldn't help but wonder where y/n has gone. I've been so busy I barely had any time to see her since this morning and I really miss her. I walked into our room to find her half naked on the bed in her underwear and this immediately got me exited. She's yet to notice me and I take the opportunity to really let her know I'm there to see her.


As I was scrolling through TikTok I felt something hit my butt with force creating a loud slap sound in the room. I flinched turning to see my Delia looking at me with lust. I cant help but get exited seeing her above me like that all smiley biting her lip and before I could have another thought she pushed my shoulder back down onto the bed, immediately teasing me though my underwear.

You flinch and wriggle as you're already so sensitive and she grabs the back of your neck. Latching on before pulling herself up to your ear, her body pressed against yours.

Delia - "Now now little one, no moving about. Let mommy take care of this."

Kissing and nibbling down your neck, arms and lower back, Delia hits all the spots and and tension down there builds more and more as she starts kissing your inner thighs, leaving dark wet marks on your skin.

She pulls back back your underwear and you think you're finally getting somewhere but she just looks at it before slapping the underwear back into you. You're so sensitive so you flinch. Immediately getting a slap on your ass for moving.

Putting a pillow under your stomach, she blindfolds you, feeling her breath on your cheek.

Delia - "Now you be a good little girl and stay exactly like this. Mommy will be right back. Don't move an inch."

Leaving you there in the room ass up, you try to stay put, but you're so horny it's practically screaming at you for touch. So you close your legs and lower your hand under your underwear band. Immediately feeling the sensation you hum into it. You're so wet and it feels so good you have to keep going, filling the room with moans you cannot contain.

As your fingers move faster your moans get louder, but what you don't know is that someone's walked back in and are not happy.

As you keep going you feel a sharp slap in your ass hard, immediately making you stop. Falling from the lack of arm support onto your side.

Delia - "Get back onto your stomach now or there will be consequences you fucking slut."

You do just as she says and wait.

Delia - "Good girl. Now what was that I saw you doing?"

Y/n - "I'm- I uhh... nothing.

Delia - "Give me your fingers."

She takes them in her grip hard and sucks them dry.

Delia - "Mmm you taste good little one... But mommy's not very happy you did that."

Y/n - "I- I- I'm sorry mommy. I just-"

Delia - "You just what?"

Y/n - "I just- I needed to I-"

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