Y/n x Ally Mayfair-Richards (smut)

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You're wrapped up warm in bed alone waiting for her to enter. Ally had been so busy with work you'd not been intimate for a few days now as she usually went straight I sleep and you really missed her.

Ally POV

I walked into our room to find Y/n curled up in bed again. I'd realised that over the past few days I'd not given her much of my attention so I'd planned to do just that and make it up to her.

Walking into the room I quickly put my stuff away before sliding into bed with her. Wrapping my arms under hers and pulling her close.

Y/n - "I missed you."

Ally - "I missed you too little one."


I was so happy that today I'd gotten a snuggle from her that I immediately melted into her touch. That was until her arm slid round more and she grabbed my boob, holding it in her hand. Automatically lighting something within me, i wanted nothing more than her right now. You needed her.

Shuffling backwards slightly letting your butt hit her thighs, you tried your best to signal to her, hoping she had that time for you. Within what felt like less than a second she adjusted forward pressing your bodies together.

You gasped and she smiled watching you look down at her hips.

Ally - "Surprise kitten."

You move your hips feeling it and she used that opportunity to put her hands down there and feel you.

Ally - "Mmm someone's very exited huh?"

You flinch as she rubs your clit slightly before teasing you and inserting a few fingers. You moan and move with her as she goes in and out of you. That is until you feel her turn slightly and hear the lube bottle open and close. She rubs it on it before lowering slightly and immediately thrusting forward letting it all go in.

You gasp and she grabs your hips pushing it deeper. You start to ride it as she thrusts at you. Grabbing your neck and whispering into your ear.

Ally - "Mmm you like that huh. You want mommy to fuck you so hard from behind you little slut. You're going to take it all from mommy okay."

You nod and her grip tightens.

Ally - "Use your words sweetheart, come on."

Y/n - "Y-ye- yes mommy. Please mommy."

Ally - "Good girl."

She pushes her two fingers into your mouth muffling your sounds as she thrusts harder and harder.

Y/n - "Ahhhhh fuck mommy."

That is until she gets up grabbing you to lie on your back. Pulling you by your legs to the edge of the bed while you pant. You watch her take off her oversized t-shirt to reveal her wearing lingerie. You watch her flip her hair behind her, putting more lube on as she rubs it looking right at you.

You can feel yourself getting more and more wet and she bites her lips coming towards you.

Ally - "Take off that tshirt I want you naked."

You look at her and she gives you a look.

You know you're in trouble for even hesitating and you quickly take it off lying there bare.

Ally - "Good. Now spread those pretty legs baby girl, don't be shy."

You do as she says but keep your thighs pressed together and she's not happy. You hear her walk towards you feeling it hit your shin.

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