Lou X reader (depression)

571 16 21

Request - Anonymous

Depression - Lou miller comfort

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You're Lou's girlfriend and you've been unable to work recently. You work at Lou's bar with her but had to have a week off work for your mental health. You eventually started feeling better and agreed to go back. Lou had to go in for an early shift so you were to meet her there afterwards as your shift times met.

However you spent all morning in bed. You knew you had to get up to shower but you physically didn't understand how you would get there. You'd told Lou she didn't need to help you and you'd got it. You did when she was there to help and encourage but now she's gone and you're getting ready alone, you just can't do it. It was like a switch had gone off again in your head and everything just felt impossible.

You spent a few hours distracting yourself on your phone in bed trying to ignore your inner dissonance, until you needed to pee so badly it hurt so you dragged yourself into the bathroom. As you sat on the toilet feeling the pain still, you tried to convince yourself you could shower now but as you got up to wash your hands you were so exhausted and felt dizzy so you dropped. Sat on the floor of the bathroom with your back to the wall, you tried to catch your breath and calm yourself. Feeling yourself fall into a trance-like state.

Sitting there you alternated between crying and sitting numb, not even noticing when these changes happened, until the door opened. Fixed in your trance you didn't react to this until you felt arms around you and someone moving your face to theirs. You soon realised it was Lou as you smelt her perfume and felt her rings on your face and latched onto her hands.

Lou - "Sweetheart? Heyy baby girl are you okay? What's happened?"

You don't speak and she helps you up off the floor as you're shivering. Helping you back into bed, she hold's you close and warms you up. Calming you down.

Eventually you come around and you can think enough to string a sentence together.

Y/n - "I couldn't do it."

Lou - "You couldn't do what sweetheart? Please speak to me. I'm right here baby girl, please."

Y/n - "I just can't."

You start to cry and she immediately grabs you, shushing and rocking you.

You were able to shower the day before but you'd got all hot and bothered that night and morning so it hadn't helped how you feel. Lou had no idea how bad you'd slept as you tried your best to not wake her knowing she was working early. She eventually helps you undress as well as herself, throwing her hair up before getting you into the shower. You stand there shivering as she washes you. Her hands all over your body before moving to your hair.

Finally she turns it off, stepping out with you and wrapping you in a towel. Rubbing your arms to warm you up, you watch her stood in front of you looking at her body. She lifts up your head to meet her eyes and she smiles running her thumb along your jaw.

Lou - "Someone looks a bit happier. Like what you see huh?"

You go red looking away failing to not giggle and she grabs you to her pulling you in for a kiss. You kiss for a little bit until she stops, running her hands down your body as you're pressed together. She notices you looking at her boobs again and raises her eyebrows, grabbing your butt. You immediately flinch and give her a shocked look and she laughs taking you into the bedroom.

She places you into the bed, grabbing stuff to style your hair. Once it's dry she gives it a final brush before putting the stuff away. You watch her every movement still not dressed herself, until she takes the towel off of you making sure your dry. Kissing the top do your head before standing back up to putting it away. You don't wanting her leave even for a second and grab her breast. She gives you a look you let go watching her move in and out of the room before climbing in, pulling you onto her bare chest under the covers

You both get comfortable and she lets you do what you'd like to her breasts as you curl up to her.

Lou - "Baby girl do you think you could do it tomorrow?"

You lool at her and she lets out a low smile rubbing your jaw with her thumb.

Lou - "Its okay, i understand. Do you think I could set you up a therapist appointment as soon as possible and we could look into those meds then?"

You nod and start to tear up hiding into her chest as she comforts you.

You agreed that after the past week you'd had, if you felt yourself getting bad again you'd agree to seeking help and with that time coming faster than you'd anticipated, you felt like you had no choice but to agree and say yes. You felt defeated that you were such a hassle to Lou, and with there being no chance of you getting better alone, you were just a bit upset.

Lou - "Hey! hey sweetheart come here. baby please look at me. Hey snotty bum come here let me help."

You eventually let her and she wipes your face. Holding your jaw in her hands to face her.

Lou - "What's on that pretty little mind of yours sweetheart?"

Y/n - "I-"

You gives you a reassuring look and you continue.

Y/n - "I just... I hate that im so much all of a sudden. You didn't sign up for this when you first got with me, I just hate that I've gotten this bad again. You deserve someone who-"

Lou - "No, no no please baby dont ever say that! I choose you. You and ONLY you y/n and I'll do anything to make sure that you can be your very best and live the life that you deserve to be able to live because youre so amazing little one! You're literally the most creative and smart, thoughtful, caring and ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLY beautiful person I know! And those feelings that I feel for you aren't just going to change or switch off because youre not your best. Thats not how it works baby. I love you with all of my heart and I know its going to be tough but im here and I want to help."

Y/n - "But i just hate that you have to worry about me all the time. I-"

Lou - "Sweetheart your my girlfriend and I care about you. Whether you're doing well or not I'm always going to worry because I care. That worry when your not okay doesn't just go away when your better honey. I'm always going to be thinking about you and wanting to be close to you, so don't think that youre bringing any extra worry onto me because thats just not true. In you know deep down that you do the exact same for me. Because we love each other and we're committed to each other. We can do this okay, no matter what I've got you and you've got me."

You nod silenced and she wipes a tear from your face.

Lou - "Could you give me the number of the people so i can call them?"

You nod giving her your phone and snuggle into her as she finds it. Jotting in onto hers she puts her phone down and snuggles into you.

Y/n - "Thank you."

Lou - "Hey! It's okay sweetheart! I'm proud of you for talking to me honey, I know it's hard."

You smile and snuggle into her, playing with her boobies and giggling which makes Lou laugh.

The rest of the day Lou orders you food before making the call. Once she's back with the food she's still on call and so walked back out the room to continue the call.

Finally once she's back and picks up the remote and puts on a movie for you both. It's one of your comfort movies and you can't not smile at her as she kisses your head and you both set up the food to eat.

You were so grateful to have someone like Lou be so supportive and understanding. Your whole life you thought you'd never be able to have someone like that and you felt like the luckiest person in the world.

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Hey gays I hope this is okay :)

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