Merrill x Reader (chance meeting) part 3

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This story contains smut and talks of SH and suicide.

Based on the character Merrill from the movie Swimmers.

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Time skip...

You now live in that house with your girlfriend Merrill and yes it still has those memories for her but you helped her get help and talk to someone about it. You're now planning and making new memories there. You refurbished it and changed a lot around it to make it easier for her but the fact still remains of what she saw there and you know you can't take that away.

It was actually Merrill's idea to stay as she felt compelled to prove to her mother that she can make the noises stop by living. By being with someone she loves and being kind and comforting. By making her own happiness and giving her life a chance.

You both have a car and jobs. You work quite far away in an office whereas Meryll works at a local store and is a freelance photographer. Everyplace you guys go and everything you decide to do, 9 times out of ten Merrill has her camera to capture it. You love that she has such a good eye and can capture moments perfectly. Plus her concentration face when she's taking a photo never fails to make you smile and warm your heart. She's so adorable.

This week you've been at work everyday and getting home pretty late. You're trying to get extra money for your planned weekend away soon so requested to work the Saturday to get the Friday off the next week and have a longer weekend with Merrill.

Because of all the extra hours, by the end of the final day, you're absolutely exhausted. The walk to your car feels like its taking forever and once you get in it, you have to take a minute before you start to drive. The only thing keeping you awake is coffee and the thought that your girlfriend will be home when you get back. With open arms for cuddles.

Once you arrive, you slowly waddle to the house dragging your feet. Eventually getting to the door before sighing and crouching down to the ground to pick up your dropped keys. This is quickly interrupted though as suddenly the door opens and there she is. She immediately holds you in an tight embrace as you cling with a slight wobble and struggle to stay balanced.

Merrill - "Hi baby!! I've been waiting for you bless you you must be exhausted! Come here let me help you!"

You let her help you inside and up the stairs into your bedroom. She sits you down and puts her body inbetween your legs. Letting you hug her for a second and just catch your breath.

Merrill - "Okay sweetheart let's get you undressed and then I can hold you better okay?"

You nod and let her undress you before flopping onto your side on bed. She eventually climbs over you, turning you around before pulling you closer for a much needed hug.

You start to tear up because you're just so shattered and they comfort you and wipe your eyes.

Merrill - "It's all going to be okay honey. I've got you and I'm so proud of you for working. You did amazing."

You continue to cry and talk a bit about your days until your left sat in comfortable silence. Both nude as she strokes your back. Planting kisses on your head while her lips make their way down your chest before latching on.

You sink into the bed feeling the warmth as they continue to suck and tease your chest, trying to relax and enjoy the feeling.

All that sucking did make you quite messy though. Merrill knew what she was doing and eventually one of her hands reaches down to your inner thigh and teases it. You try to move yourself to where you need her but she wants to tease and what she wants, she gets.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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