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This is a non-profit fan based parody. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama. And Dragon Ball Z Abridged Is owned by TEAM FOUR STAR.

Please Support the official release.

It's a normal day like any other on planet Vegeta. We are in the Royal throne room. It's mostly empty the only thing really noticeable is a long red carpet that stretches from the entrance of the room to two golden thrones. Though only one has someone sitting in it.

A bored looking King is sitting in the larger of the two thrones. He seems to be in deep thought and he has a slightly sad look on his face. His thoughts are interrupted as the doors fling open. In comes a guard.

King Vegeta looks up at the man that is currently trying to catch his breath "Why have you come to bother me?" He says annoyed. In return the man "Sorry Your Highness. But the low class Warrior Bardock has returned-" the King interrupts "And this effects me how?".

The Guard continues with "He's been says the craziest things" the Kings motions him to go on says "Such as". The man replied "He said that Frieza Soldiers ambushed his team. And that he was going to destroy the planet." The King replies "And did he have any evidence to back up these accusations?"

"No but he returned alone and was covered in blood." The Guard says "Also our scanners says Frieza's mother ship is head towards the Planet."

This honestly worries the King. He thought the Saiyans had a good relationship with Frieza. After thinking for a second he tells the Guard "Bring my nerves here." The Guard says "But he-" before getting cut off by the King "Now!"

The King thinks to Himself "The Prince is off on a mission with his team. Tarble planet." He had sent his youngest son off the planet as soon as he was old enough because he couldn't stand the site of him. Because Tarble's birth brought the death of his beloved Wife. He thinks to himself once more "My Sister and Brother in-law are no longer of use but their son could be a essential ingredient to our races survival."

The King stands up and heads out of the throne room to meet the Guard with his nephew. "Put him in a Untrackable Pod. I don't care where you send him just make sure The Prince gets the coordinates." The Guard goes off following the King's commands.

That's it for now.

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