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Name: Kolard

Age: 23 (earth years), 240 (Planet Beagle)

Gender: Male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual/Straight


Date of Birth: Age 737

Species: Saiyan (Mutated/Evolved)

Blood Type: B-


Status: Alive


The Character’s Appearance

General Appearance: He looks like a cross between Vegeta and Broly. He's around Broly's size with tanned skin and shoulder length black bushy unkempt hair. He is missing his tail. He has yellow eyes and a full beard. He wears what remains of his Saiyan Armor and along with a bear like hide around is waist covering his nether reigns. He is extremely muscled (similar to Broly)

Height: 6'4

Weight: 320 LBS

Handedness: Ambidextrous

About the Character

Personality:  He is a rather dim guy with no social skills and knows limited to no speech. Due to his upbringing and his Saiyan heritage he loves to train and fight because it's the only thing he's ever done. He is quiet and uses mostly grunts. He is just about always on guard and is more likely to attack first and think later. He is naive in many aspects of life. He has no manners.

(As the story goes on he will grow and change.)

Powers and Abilities

Supernatural Physical Condition

Mimicry: He learns extremely fast and and replicate a technique almost perfectly after seeing it once.

Saiyan Power/Zenkai: After healing from a potentially fatal injury he gains a power boost.

Healing Factor: He can heal faster than other Saiyans.

Adaptation: His body adapts quickly to different harsh conditions.

Unnamed Mouth Beam (usual multiplier about 2×)

Anger and Combat Empowerment: The more angry he gets the stronger he gets. The longer he fights the more he learns and adapts to his opponents and its almost like he's getting pseudo Zenkais while fighting.

Ki Sensing: He can sense the ki of others.

Ki Blasts

Ki Concealment: He can hide his power level.

Ki Suppression: He can lower his power level to make a fight more entertaining or last longer.


He can go long periods of time without food or water.

Alternate Form(s):

Mastered Ikari: After losing his tail in order to survive his body found a way to achieve the strength of the great Ape with one. He mastered this form and is now almost constantly in it. Also it can be stacked on top and or combined with other forms.

Multipler: 10× + Anger Boost. Since he mastered it he no longer goes berserk while in it (That's his normal temperate *gulp*)

Full Power: Kinda like Roshi's Buff Form.

Multipler: 2.5×

Birth Power Level: 450

Base Power Level: 12,250 (I think that's reasonable.)

Mastered Ikari Power Level: 122,500



Mother: (name doesn't really matter. For right now atleast.)

Father: (name doesn't really matter. For right now atleast.)

Siblings: No

Uncle: King Vegeta

Cousins: Vegeta, Tarble

Love Interest(s): Cheelai, Vote.

Planet Beagle: Planet Beagle is planet once full of magic. The planet seems too impossible to exist.

General description: Imagine Narnia but it's been left to it's own devices for far too long. It has ruins on Kingdoms indicating there was once possible humanoid inhabitants. Now everything wants to kill, rape, and eat you in that order.

Flora: The planet is very fertile in the summer and spring years. All of plants have magical properties. Most work like Senzu Beans healing you and restoring you to peak condition aswell as sustaining a being for nearly two weeks. Plants like the senzu bean and the Yemma Fruit may have originated from this planet.

Fauna: This world is full of magical and fantasy creatures. From the smallest pixie or smurf to the largest giant or dragon. There are "regular" animals like bears, lions, snakes, wolves, ect... there are also creatures resembling prehistoric animal like Dinosaurs and other exotic extinct animals.

Gravity: 10-20× earth's Gravity depending on where you are at on the planet.

Weather Conditions: During the winter just about the whole planet is frozen having terrible ice and snow storms for years on end. Each season last for several years.

Time Dilation: One earth month is a year on Beagle. But curiously the creatures only age that one month.

Anything I need to add to the Planet or BIO? Also vote for possible love interests I might make it a harem.

Anything else?

Next chapter is start on the Saiyan Saga.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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