chapter 3. an absurd invitation

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You had gone home earlier that day and decided to sleep; skipping work, you don't remember if Steve came home or not, but you had stayed home that day to have some time to yourself. Having to hide yourself from your parents until they left was a daring challenge but you completed it nonetheless without any consequences.

Now here you stand next to the wooden beam in your house, phone pulled up to your ear, listening to the ring. Moments later it clicks and a quiet feminine voice rings through the ear of the black phone.

"Hello?" The voice is choppy, signaling that it's that smaller girl with brown hair.

"Yeah, you gave me this number." You say, laughing lightly.

Quiet rings through the phone for a moment and you begin to wonder if she hung up, "Meet us at the pool." Max's voice rings through the phone before hanging up.

You stand next to the phone confused at the sudden order. Casually you glance out the window to your right. Dark clouds hang-overhead, darkening the green lawn.

"Well.." You murmur under your breath, hooking the phone up. You walk towards the door. Grabbing the yellow rain jacket from the coat hanger before sliding it on.

You had to hide your skateboard earlier, pulling it out from the closet. You open the door and lock it behind yourself.

You grin as you slide onto the wet pavement; wheels rolling quickly. Embracing the comfortable feeling within your gut, this is where you belong. Not in a cold ice-cream shop inside of a mall. Small rain droplets splatter against your face and hood but you don't mind.

You fly down a hill in the town, wheeling spinning to the point where they're only a blending blur. The skateboard carries you past multiple cars driving down slowly. You wave at some of them who only stare in amazement; some in anger as you speed past them and down the street.

Rounding a corner you slow in front of the pool. Eyes shifting to each person evacuating from the entrance as you circle onto the sidewalk. They must've started to leave as the rain started to pour more and more. Some people slide into cars while others run down the sidewalk to their houses.

You slow to a stop and hold the skateboard in your right hand as you jog up a flight of steps with a water puddle on it to the entrance; pushing past people in the process.

There, at the entrance stands the duo who wait impatiently. You raise an eyebrow in an interested manner; Max wears a yellow rain jacket while El wears a red one, similar to the popular mix of ketchup and mustard.

You almost laugh at the thought of comparing the two girls to sauces.

"You're late." Max greets, her pose straightening to regard you. Her foot tapping impatiently.

You slow down as you walk towards them, "I was on a time limit?" You inquire, showing your teeth as you grin impishly. 

The two girls only stare at you, mostly out of annoyance than anything, "What?" You question, eyes switching between the pair.

"Come." El answers neutrally, walking towards the front desk.

You're genuinely lost right now, what is going on right now.

Hesitantly you follow the ketchup colored girl, sending a sideways glance at Max.

"Just follow our lead," Max adds, smiling gently with her perfectly placed freckles as she walks.

You almost have a million questions to ask. Where's your nametag, what's going on? And why were you called to a pool when it's raining?

"Hey." The small girl chimes, staring at the man who looks through a magazine. His lifeguard outfit is barely wet and he stares at the magazine boringly.

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