chapter 4: one hundred percent confused

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"Instead of dating someone cooler, why don't you date someone who you actually care about for once? Like me and Suzie." Dustin questions, glancing at his fancy haired friend.

Steve stares at the child, basking in his temporary hatred. "Oh yeah," He chirps sarcastically, "you and Suzie." He adds. He looks away and itches above his right ear as if he was thinking. "How did you get your super pretty girlfriend who's hotter than phoebe cates?"

"Oh that's right, with my advice." He adds, pushing his index finger into Dustin's shoulder who smacks it away.

"I have my own charms too." He quips, returning his eyes back to the binoculars.

Steve laughs fakely, thinking the boy has no charms. "Like what?"

Grinning, Dustin turns to Steve, already knowing what he's gonna do. He purrs, making the older boy sigh in annoyance.


Sitting on the middle of your skateboard you stare at the two girls. "What is it? You dragged me into the locker room for this?" You question, eyes switching between the pair.

Maxine huffs and turns to her smaller, brown haired friend. "Show him." She says.

The girl glances from you to Maxine as if the words she's about to spout is top secret. "Are you s-sure?"

Max sighs and nods, hands on her hips as she stares at you, her lips tightened. "You can't tell anyone about it though."

You nod slowly, registering what they are saying. What can be so secretive.

It's quiet for a few moments before something happens. Slowly, the skateboard beneath you begins to move. It then scoots forward harder, making you glance down at it. The force knocks you to the floor, one side of the board tilted up towards the air. Breathing heavily, tailbone placed on the left side of the board, you breathe unsteadily, fear seeping into your system.

As you process what has just transpired, you feel their eyes pierce yours "So, you've got powers? like t-the X-men?" Your mind is racing at a hundred miles per second with every thought as you stammer in panic.

The smaller girl nods eagerly, "Yes." She states, a smile appearing on her light colored face.

"You're not scared?" Max questions, hands on her hips with a red raised brow.

You're quiet for a moment before speaking, "I am." You're genuine enough to not lie to their faces.

"Don't be, I-I don't use them to hurt people." She stammers quickly, words coming out choppily.

"Is there something other than people?" You question, eyebrows beginning to furrow.

"I-no." She stammers, eyes flickering to Max's for guidance. "She's imaginative." Max chirps.

You stand, not believing the quite obvious lie the two have just told you. You don't want to call them liars, in case the smaller girl actually does use her thing against you.

"Oh.." You murmur, "So, you showed me, but what does that have to do with anything."

"Want to find Heather?" asks Max, flashing a sly grin at the small girl who still appears a little terrified.

Heather? The girl on the board, how will they find her in her.

El nods, letting a strand of brown hair fall briefly over her terrified eyes. She takes a slow seat, crosses her legs, and closes her eyes.

Max walks over to a stall, she turns on the water and leaves it on while you rearrange yourself on the skateboard. "What is she doing?" You question, looking at El.

El pulls her hood over her eyes, blocking out any light. Curiously, you raise an eyebrow at the move.

Max approaches again after turning on multiple other showers, "Shh." Both girls hush, making your mouth close instantly, you don't want to make them angry or irritated.

Max takes a seat on the floor beside the quiet girl, a dim smile on her face.

What does El even stand for? You never bothered to ask since you've always assumed for the nickname to be for a name like Eleanor; but now that you've gotten a closer glance, she has a tattoo with the number Eleven.

What does it all mean?

El breathes quietly, her breath barely audible over the flooding water. Your eyes switch from one to the other; wondering what exactly is going on.

Everything you've seen today has defied every law of anything and you don't know quite what to think.

"What do you see?" Max asks nervously, scooting closer to the girl.

El exhales loudly, "A door, a red one." She says shallowly.

The steam from the heat begins to waft through the room, making your shirt stick to your skin and rain-jacket.

Tugging at your jacket you murmur quietly, bringing a sharp irritated glance from Max at you.

Her breath quickens rapidly, signaling something distressing happening. You stand up quickly, unsure of what to do when Max grips her shoulders, trying to shake her awake.

Her head flies back, gasping for air; sweat stings to her forehead as small tears begin to drop down her face.

Her breathing is much louder now, sounding as if she just ran a marathon. "W-what happened in there?" You ask.

The girl stares at you for a moment, brown eyes staring deep into yours. You avoid eye contact to stare at Max who now begins to stand.

"Hello?!" You exclaim, swinging your hands in front of Max. "Can the psychic tell us what happened?!"

It had to be something if she jolted up like that, and to scare her; a girl with powers it has to be something bad.

Max scoffs and turns to her friend still gathering her breath. "El, what happened in there?"


"Lemme see it!" Steve orders, trying to pull the binoculars away from Dustin who relentlessly fights back.

"No! Hold on!" Dustin exclaims in response, a final tug from Steve seals the deal; making the object slip off the roof and clatter to the ground below them.

"Shit.." They both murmur, Dustin, catching a glint from further down near the Mall's back doors stares hard only to realize their flashlights beginning to point towards them.

"Duck!" He tells, Pulling Steve's head down below the roofs ledge.

Robin, scared along with Steve, grips his right hand. The two share a glance before releasing each other's hands.

Dustin catches the sight of this and only rolls his eyes.


You turn the corner on your four wheels, a bright red front door signaling this is the place. You trade a sideways glance with Max who doubled with El.

With what you've heard, this is going to be scary, but you never fear, your confidence in your own abilities outweighs any fear.

Now that you think about it, maybe you're just trying to find reasons to keep talking to these two girls, you shake the thought out of your brain as you slow to a stop on your board, bringing it up in your right hand as you begin to walk.

Max stops as well, allowing the smaller girl to hop off first before dropping the bike in the grass.

You pick up your skateboard and place it in the grass in front of the large window, together, the three of you approach the bright door.

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