Lexie Grey x reader

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Y/f/s-your favorite song

Don't really have a description for this one

Pronouns: not sure if there are any

   Lexie knew you had problems sleeping. When you two met as kids you'd had sleepovers a few times and that's when she discovered your sleeping habits, or lack there of. Despite being only 9 at your first sleepover with her you'd already learned to function on little to no sleep each day and a lot of caffeine. When Lexie found out she was confused at first but then she tried to help you best she could, despite you two only being kids at the time.

Growing up after that you two had sleepovers all the time and long conversations on the phone until you both fell asleep because Lexie knew having someone on the phone or there with you to help you fall asleep helped. When Lexie found out you had also been accepted to the intern program at Seattle Grace she was thrilled. You two were roommates since college so it was easy since you'd be both getting up and going to the same place each day.

Intern year was good, but at the start of your residency your sleeping got bad again and Lexie was busy with her training to become a surgeon, her relationship with her father, her sister, and a lot more so she'd yet to notice. Tonight was one of the first nights you'd let yourself have off in a while hoping that maybe since you were exhausted you'd be able to sleep better.

Sadly, you were wrong so here you were a little past midnight despite having to get up at 5 AM the next morning, probably a little earlier so you could wake Lexie, reading a book. Since you were tired and reading a book you paid no attention to the noise your roommate was making just outside your room, confused as to why you were awake. Lexie thought your sleep was better, what could you possibly be doing awake a little after midnight when you both had an early shift the next morning. When Lexie had gotten up to grab a snack, after waking up from being hungry she noticed the fact that your white noise machine, which was a sign you were asleep or trying to sleep when on, was off.

Walking into your room, her snack in hand she looked surprised to spot you sitting up reading in bed. "Y/n! We have work in the morning what are you doing up?" Lexie asked. "I could ask you the same thing" you spoke quietly, not having looked up from your book at all. "I got up to get a snack and noticed your white noise machine was off, and decided to come in here to check in you" you nodded finally closing the book and patting the space on the bed next to you. "Well c'mon then. Might as well come cuddle with me if your gonna be in here" you smiled and Lexie let out a laugh before getting into the bed and pulling your body against her and eating a few bites of her snack. "Alright you need to sleep." She spoke turning off your small lamp and hugging your body. She began to hum the simple tune of y/f/s as she felt your breathing even out against her body. When she was done humming the tune she fell asleep soon after, both of you awaking very annoyed the next morning since it was 5 AM and you'd both gotten less than 5 hours of sleep.

I thought about doing another marvel oneshot but I decided to do a greys anatomy one instead. Hope you like :)


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