Aftermath Part 1

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New chapter out. The next several chapters will be about the aftermath of the fight and how the world is taking it. Was originally going to put the bullies reaction in this chapter but it got too long.

Oh well.

The picture is basically how Ozpin feels when he and his friends have to deal with the World Council. Probably how his friends feel as well.


It has been over a month since (M/N) had fought off Trihexa and Tiamat with Godzilla. Also, bringing back the missing Union students and a former White Fang terrorist.

The shockwave of the battle was still being felt even after a month has passed. The world seemed to be undergoing an unexpected change as part of the aftermath.

(M/N) didn't realize it, but he's actions seemed to have spark a fire. One that only grew more and more as he started taking a slightly more active approach to crime.

While he wasn't going to be actively hunting down criminals, if they just so happened to be in his line of vision. They were going to get an ass-kicking like never before.

Of course, the 'heroes' and local law enforcement would try to either A) reprimand him, or B) try to arrest him (This is usually the heroes trying to do that option). Of course, there wasn't much they could do, since technically he is still classified as powerless since his source of power comes from an animated orb (notcounting the fact that he learned magic from Dr. Strange himself. But, that'snot important right now)..

(Why should we reveal all of our tricks? Besides, they actually can't arrest him with those laws since it only covers the major ones like Quirks, Semblance, Devil Magic, Sacred Gears, Scrolls, Chakra. His powers don't fall in any of those categories)

Doesn't help, for the fame seekers that is, that he is increasing in popularity among the local, the world. And, most importantly, the powerless. To them, he was a symbol of potential. The fact that even though he has gained a new power, he does not rely on it.

Unlike the other 'heroes' he makes sure that he isn't dependent on his powers. Rather, he and his team made sure that if their usual battle styles were rendered useless. They would have a backup combat form that doesn't rely on using their powers as a focal point.

The downside, though, is that they are gaining attention.

Both good and bad.

Villains tried to entice them to join their side. Trying to use the injustice of the powered society as a method of persuading them.

Heroes desiring that power and wanting to boost their reputations by gaining their allegiance.

Unfortunately for them, they were not the type to be easily bought into that kind of thing. They refused to be used as some sort of endorsement for either side.

Of course, the power-hungry World Council tried to get their hands on the Dragoon Spirits for themselves. The thought of possessing power on an epic scale was too tempting for them. And in their eyes, those powers belonged to those that they deemed worthy.

(Fools, the Dragon Spirit of the Dragoon choses its master. Even if they did manage to steal them, all they would get is some lame imitation that lacks the power they desire)

However, when they tried to seize the Dragoon stones by force. Sending their agents and some of Union bullies to (M/N) house to intimidate him by threatening his family safety.

The result



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