Aftermath Part 2

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Now, we are getting to the Union reactions. And a little bit of info as to why Blake holds a grudge against (M/N).

I meant to say this before, but if you noticed some of the words look weird. That's Wattpad not pasting all the words from Word correctly. I check but some do escape my notice, or when it publishes some words wound up messed up.

Also, since it's a pain to say it after every picture is posted, I'll say it here: All art is found on Pinterest!

Not sure if I mentioned it yet, but not all opening pictures are going to be related to the story. Some are just things I found on the Internet.


Union Academy

The pinnacle of hero making, producing many heroes from aspiring students that walked through their doors.

Of course, like with other schools bullying is sadly still a thing. However, the bullies did not feel the desire to bully anyone at the moment.

And that reason being:

"Damn that powerless nobody!"

(Wonder who said that?)

The humiliating defeat they had experienced a month ago. It had been over a month since the battle between the heroes and Tiamat and Trihexa. And still, the aftermath of that battle and the one who saved them still burned them to this day.

"How could that damn jerk get so powerful?!"

Yang shouted in frustration, she could not believe, even after all this time, what had happened. Her mind refusing to accept the reality of last month, no matter how many times her brain replayed the fight in her head.

(M/N) (L/N)

The powerless nobody that should have faded into obscurity because he possessed no power. The damn nobody that was able to defeat them while he was still in Union.

The damn nobody that continued to be a thorn in their sides by just existing.

'Why why why!?' Yang thought to herself, it shouldn't be possible for him to become so powerful in the year he was gone!

Or been able to fight them off as efficiently as he did when he was in school.

Unwillingly, Yang remembered something he once said to her after they had tried to jump him.

"Your attacks are sloppy, obvious, and easy to predict. All you do is throw your punches and let your semblance do the rest."

"Not only that, but it's easy to provoke you into anger. Sure, it helps with your semblance, but it also helps clouding your judgment. Sure, it's a risky gamble to rip off your hair, but with how you react with none of the grace of a Berserker. You are too easy to beat."

(Probably part of the reason of why Adam defeated her so easily...and cut her arm off)

"You live in a sad, little world where you think that might makes right. Never stopping to think that is not true. You judge the world based on who possesses a power, treating those that don't possess one as trash."

"Honestly, I don't know what I had done to make you hate me so much when we hardly talked. We barely knew each other before you started hating me like the rest."

"...Go home. It's obvious that you lack the qualities of a true hero."

'Was it his words that pissed me off so much?' Yang thought to herself. 'Was it that I felt he was treating me like a joke?'

Suddenly, a thought came to her as she realized something important.

'Or was it when-'


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