4 "deal"

432 6 3

Y/n is Your Name

Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note

Noah's pov

"I like you too Y/n. But.. I'm not sure if I want us to be in a relationship right now. I wanna make sure that we actually have these feelings before we ruin our friendship." I say.

"Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. How about in a week, if we both still think like this then, we could go on a date or something, but until then. Just friends, ok?" Y/n responds.

"Deal" I respond. As I put out my hand and shake hers.

We arrive in Atlanta and we go check in to the hotel room since we decided to stay a couple of days so that we can hang with the cast since they are all coming down for the auditions.

I text Millie and tell her all about me and Y/n's talk on the plane.


Millie: NOWAHH

Noah: Hey Mills so remember how I told you about me having a crush on Y/n?

Millie: Uhm how could I forget??

Noah: Yeah well Y/n has a crush on someone.. She gave me hints on the plane of who it is..

Millie: Oh.. I'm sorry Noah that sucks.. What were the hints that she gave?

Noah: She said that he is in the cast of Stranger Things and she's gonna be working with him if she gets the role.

Millie: Noah are you dumb?? SHES TALKING ABOUT YOU!!


Millie: Noah. What did you say back? Thats the important part.

Noah: We both agreed that we should wait a week to see if we both still have these feelings before pursuing them. Just to make sure we don't ruin our friendship over a 1 week romance.

Millie: Thats actually really smart Noah. I'm proud of you not rushing into a relationship with your best friend of 10 years

Noah: Yeah same. Also are you in Atlanta yet or are you still on the plane?

Millie: We just landed. I'll see you in 20.

Noah: Okay Mills see you then.

"Hey Schnapp who are you texting over there?" I heard Y/n say. "Oh I was just talking to Millie. Her plane just landed. She will be at the hotel in about 20 minutes" I responded.

"Okay. What about Sadie and the guys?" She asks. "I'll text and ask in the group chat." I respond.

Stranger Tingzz

Noah: Hey how many of you guys are on the planes right now and how many of you are in Atlanta?

Sadie: Pretty sure my planes about to land. We are getting lower to the ground.

Caleb: I haven't boarded mine yet. Delays lmao

Finn: I'm with Caleb

Gaten: I'm already here

Noah: Yeah same. Me and Y/n are at the hotel right now

Millie: I'm almost at the hotel. Also ooOooOooOooOoo Y/nnNnnNnn!!!

Noah: Ughhh Millie why you do this to meee. Well thats all I wanted to know. Imma get unpacked.

"So sadies plane is about to land, Gatens at his hotel, Caleb's flight has been delayed. Finn is with Caleb. Also is it okay if we share a room? If not I could totally share with one of the guys and you can share with Millie or Sadie. I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I say.

"Yeah I'm totally cool with either one" Y/n says to me.

"Okay well pick your bed then." I say as I wave my hand to the beds.

"Ooh I want this one!" She says as she plops onto the bed next to the window.

"Dammit. I wanted that one" I say. "Well too bad Schnapp" Y/n says as she starts unpacking.

Y/n's pov

I unpack my bags. "Hey is Gaten staying at the same hotel everyone else is?" I ask. "Yeah. Everyone is staying in the same hotel so that we can spend time together." Noah responds.

"Okay. Text the group chat and tell them to go to the pool when they get here" I say as I put on my swimsuit.

"Done" Noah says a few seconds later.

A/n thanks for all the support guys!! Have a good day/night xoxo Renny

Word Count: 724

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