20 "saving my ass too"

185 7 4

Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note
Y/l/n is Your Last Name
Y/I/UN is Your Instagram Username

Y/n's pov

I finish putting foundation on Noah's hickey. "Thanks darling" he whispers. "You're welcome, but I was saving my ass too" I say making the both of us laugh.

Millie looks over and gives me a thumbs up. I give her one back.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I was thinking we spend like all day out, from now until like midnight and just do everything we can since its our last day all together until filming starts in 4 months." Priah says.

"Okay, bet. What are we doing first?" Noah asks.

Everyone started talking about what they wanted to do and it sounded like a classroom.

"Okay, I can't even hear myself. One at a time say what you want to do first." Millie says.

"Go-karts" Joe says. "Bowling" Sadie says. "Movies" Gaten says. "Zoo" Winona says. "Go-karts" David says. "I don't care"Priah says.

Everyone else says what they want to do, and Go-karts has the most votes.

"Okay, let's go to the Go-kart track then. Who's riding with who?" Noah asks.

"Priah, Sadie, Noah, and Y/n can ride with me" Millie says.

"My cars a hot mess right now so theres only room for one in the back seat. So I'll take Finn as our backseat companion and obviously I'm taking Natalia too" Charlie says.

"Maya, Joseph, Gaten and Caleb can ride with me." Joe says.

"Winona, Brett, and Eduardo can ride with me." David says.

"Okay, let's go!" Noah says.

We all get buckled in and Millie starts driving.

After about 7 minutes, we finally make it to the Go-kart track. We wait for everyone to get there and then we walk inside.

We walk up to the cashier and i tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and i see that shes wearing a Stranger Things shirt. She looks around, and her face goes wide. She recognizes all of us.

"Oh my God! You're the cast of Stranger Things! And you're Y/n Y/l/n! Can I get a picture with you?" She asks.

Wait, she knows me?

"Sure!" Everyone says.

"Do you want me to take it?" I ask her.

"No I need you to be in it! You're my favorite influencer! Your Instagram page is so raw and real. I can tell that nothing is photoshopped, and I love how you promote body positivity on a site that most people photoshop on!" She says.

I have never heard anyone say that I'm their favorite influencer. I open my arms and give her a huge hug.

"How about, we take one selfie all together, then I will take a picture of you with everyone else, then we can take a picture and if its okay with you I'll upload it to my Instagram!" I say.

"That will work!" She says. Everyone huddles together as she finds a place to put her phone. She sets a 10 second timer as she comes up and stands in the middle. The picture takes and I grab her phone.

"Okay, 3,2,1" I say as I take the picture.

She comes up to me and I take my phone out of my pocket. I flip the camera around and take a picture.

"Whats your Instagram Username?" I ask her. "Its

I go onto Instagram and post the picture (pretend you're Millie)

I go onto Instagram and post the picture (pretend you're Millie)

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Y/I/UN: I got to meet @LazyLilly12937 today, and she is the nicest girl I've ever met! I hope you have a great day, week, month, year, decade, just an amazing life, because you are so beautiful inside and out!
↪LazyLilly12937: Y/n you're such an amazing person!
↪Y/I/UN: So are you!!

User124noah: You're so lucky!

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I follow Lilly back on Instagram.

All of us walk up to the counter, where she rings up our total. "Okay, for all of you guys to ride Go-karts for 10 minutes, it will be 178 dollars and 99 cents." She says.

"Okay here you go." Joe says pulling 200 dollars out of his wallet.

"Joe, you don't have to pay for all of us, we make our own money too." Millie says.

"I know, but I want to pay, so I'm gonna pay." Joe says.

"Okay, fine by me." Gaten says. Everyone nods.

We walk outside and get in our Go-karts. We start driving.

We finish riding and I surprisingly come in second place. We wave goodbye to Lilly and head off to our next activity, zip-lining.

A/n sorry this chapter is so late. School has been making it a lot harder to write, so from now on im only going to upload on days that I don't have school. I don't have school this Monday due to labor day, so I will write on Monday too. Have a great day or night xoxo Renny

Word count: 859

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