24 "i thought You would say that"

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Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note

Y/n's pov

5 years later

I wake up to Noah cooking breakfast.

A lot has changed in the past 5 years. Both of us graduated from UPENN last year. We moved in together too. We live in Atlanta now.

The last season of Stranger Things, season 5 came out about a year ago. All of us cast members still hang out when we get the chance, but everyone has moved on to their own projects.


pick up my phone to look at the time. Its 7:30. Wait I need to look at the date. August 12th, 2027. Its our anniversary. Noah and I have been dating for 5 whole years, oh my gosh.

Thats so crazy, it feels like yesterday Noah and I were running around the elementary school playground playing tag with a stick because 'boys have cooties'.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Noah says.

"Good morning love." I reply, still relatively groggy.

"Do you know what today is?" Noah asks. "Of course I do, Noah. Its our 5 year anniversary!" I say happily.

"Yeah, and I have something special for you." Noah says. "Ooo what is it?" I ask.

"You'll see." He responds.

I get out of bed and walk over to the kitchen. I get in the kitchen, and give Noah a kiss.

"I made pancakes." Noah says, handing me a plate with red heart shaped pancakes.

"Theres no way you made these without a template or something." I say laughing.

"Okay, I did use a template but they look so prettyyy" Noah says.

"You're so cute" I say as I sit down and eat.

"So, I've got something planned for our 5 year anniversary." Noah says.

"Okay, don't tell me what it is. Just say what I need to wear." I say to him.

"Hmm, wear something like what you wore on our first date. Like try to replicate it exactly." Noah says.

"Noah, I still have the outfit from our first date. I can still fit into it too." I say.

"Okay, then wear it." He says.

I walk back into our room and put on the outfit that we wore on our first date, now all that's missing is the hair and makeup. I wish Millie, Maya, Priah, and Sadie were here to help me with it, but they are all out of the state filming a movie together.

I get a call. Its Noah, why is he calling when he is literally in the other room?

I answer it. "Hello?" I ask him.

"Hey, I want you to go to the place where we first said our romantic 'I love you's'" He says. "Is it the same room number?" I ask. "You know it." He responds. "Ok I love you bye" Noah says and hangs up.

I grab my keys and get into my car. I drive down to the hotel that we stayed in so many years ago.

I walk inside. "Hi, uhm I need a room key for room 413. The room is under either Y/n Y/l/n, or Noah Schnapp." I say.

The lady pulls out a room key. "Here you go Ms. Y/l/n. Also, I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan!" She says. "Thank you! Do you want a pic with me?" I ask her.

"If its not too much of a problem, then totally!" She says as she grabs her phone. I take a pic with her and head up to the room.

I open the door. The room looks just like it did 5 years ago. I head to the balcony.

As I walk through the balcony doors, I see Noah standing on one knee holding a ring.

"Holy shit. Holy shit." I say as I start to cry.

"I love you Y/n. I am so deeply in love with you. I have been in love with you for almost 6 years now. I'm gonna continue to love you until the day I die. Whether that be tomorrow, or 60 years from now, I don't know. What I do know, is that whatever the future holds, I know that you're gonna be in it. I promise to love you forever, and I want to seal that vow. Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?" Noah says.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I say as he puts the ring on my finger. He stands up and I give him a kiss.

"You know, the only thing that could make this better is all of our friends standing behind the balcony door recording us." I say.

"I thought you would say that." Noah says.

He looks over to the balcony door where I see Millie, Sadie, Maya, Priah, Joe, Finn, Gaten, and Caleb standing in the doorway.


"Hey Y/n/n!" They all say as the run over and give me a hug.

"Congratulations!!" Millie and Sadie say as they run over to me.

"Noah told us that he was gonna propose and we couldn't miss it!" Caleb says.

"I missed you guys!" I say. "We missed you too!" They respond.

I give Noah another kiss and we all spend the rest of the day hanging out.

6 months later

I wake up early to an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Oh God. I'm gonna throw up.

I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.


Morning sickness..

Noah and I have been trying to have a baby for a couple of months now. Could this be it?


Noah runs into the bathroom. "Hey love, are you okay?" He asks.

I look at him, smiling and a confused look grows on his face.

"I think I'm pregnant." I whisper.

Noah immediately begins to smile as he gives me a hug.

"Dont get your hopes up i still haven't taken a test!" I say.

"Well let's change that." Noah says as he pulls a pregnancy test out of the cabinet.

I take the pregnancy test and leave the room.

Noah grabbed his video camera, and we went to the bathroom again. After about 5 minutes, we flipped the test up.

I look at it closely, there's 2 lines.



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