18 "you look beautiful, by the way"

201 5 3

Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note

Noah's pov

Y/n and I finish packing our bags.

"Hey Y/n/n" I say. "Yeah?" She responds.

"Do you wanna go hang out with everyone from the cast? Like not just the main people, but like everyone?" I ask her.

"Of course!" Y/n says with a large smile. "Okay, ill text the group chat" I say.

Some of you guys are oldd

Noah: Hey everyone, Y/n and I were wondering if you would like to all hang out today?

Sadie: Yess! Where at?

Noah: How about we all meet in the lobby and decide what to do there.

Priah: Okay, see yall in an hour

Maya: I'll be there


Joe K: I will be there

Joe Q: So will I

Caleb: I'm definitely there

Gaten: same here

Winona: I'll definitely be there! Super excited!

David: I'll be there, but no rough housing my back kinda hurts

Y/n/n ❤🥰: okay, we will try David

Finn: I'll try to come but im kinda busy playing street fighter 😬

Noah: Dude your character from a movie in 2017 is the only reason you like street fighter🤦‍♂️

Finn: And? Doesn't mean that it isn't a good game 🤷🏻‍♂️

Noah: Whatever 🤣 Anyone who's coming, meet in the lobby at 12:30.

I turn off my phone.

"We should probably get ready. Its 10:46" I say to Y/n. "No, YOU should get ready. I'm already done getting ready, darling" She says.

"Fair point. You look beautiful, by the way." I say as I walk into the bathroom. I set an alarm on my phone for 11:55 and I take a quick shower.

I get out of the shower, and get dressed. I dry my hair and walk back into the main room.

I sit down on the bed and look at my phone. "Hey Y/n. Its only 11:13" I say.

"Okay? Whats important about that?" She asks. "It means we have some us time before we go to the lobby." I say.

"What do you want to do?" Y/n asks. "I was thinking we turn on some Brooklyn 99 and cuddle. I have an alarm set so that we won't be late." I say.

"Aww, I was thinking something more intimate" Y/n says. "Like what?" I ask her, my eyebrow furrowed.

"Like what we did when you told me you love me." Y/n says as she sits on the bed, and starts passionately kissing me.

(A/n I'm not gonna get into details on the kiss. I'm not a creep- also nothing more than kissing happened.)


Time skip to 11:55.

I hear my alarm go off. Y/n and I slowly release from our kiss. I look at her and realize her lipstick is all smudged.

"Baby, your lipstick needs fixed." I say chuckling.

"So does yours babe" Y/n says pulling up the camera on her phone. Theres lipstick all over my face and neck.

Once we finally get all the lipstick off, its 11:59.

Y/n and I rush downstairs to the lobby where everyone is already there.

A/n. Another filler. I'm so sorry. I need to find a better time of day to write other than early mornings and late nights. Its fucking up my creativity lmao. Anyways have a great day or night xoxo Renny

Word count: 588

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