19 "makes sense"

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Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note

Y/n's pov

We get down to the lobby where everyone is already waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long?" Priah asks.

"Uhh, long story." Noah says while scratching his neck.

"Okay? We have time." Joe says. (A/n if I put Joe, then I mean Joe Keery (Steve). If I put Joseph then I mean Joseph Quinn (Eddie).

I look at Noah. "So I got up relatively early to Noah playing with my hair, and we agreed to go back to sleep. I woke up again like 30 minutes later and got ready and when Noah got up, he texted you guys and then he got ready. Then Noah said that we still had a bit of time before we needed to be downstairs and he suggested we turn on Brooklyn 99 and cuddle." I say, technically I wasn't lying since Noah did suggest cuddling and watching Brooklyn 99 but I also didn't tell the full truth. I look at Noah, telling him to finish the story.

"And then we got in bed and lost track of time." Noah finishes. 'Good job not lying Noah' I think to myself as I smile at him. He returns the smile.

"Makes sense" Winona says while winking at us, making sure none of the others can see her wink. I feel my cheeks turn kind of red and I give her a little smile, which she returns.

I sit down and Noah follows.

I feel my phone buzz in my hand. Its Millie.

Millie: Y/n, the others might belive what you and Noah said, but I don't. What actually happened??

Y/n: So the first part about waking up and getting ready early is true and so is him suggesting we watch Brooklyn 99. But we didn't actually watch Brooklyn 99 because I suggested we just make out.

Millie: Oop-

Y/n: Lmao. Anyways Noah had an alarm set so that we wouldn't be late but when it went off and we looked at eachothers faces we had lipstick EVERYWHERE.


Y/n: LMAO YES I DID 🤣 anyways. Then we spent like 5 minutes making sure there was no more lipstick smudges.

Millie: Well there's no more lipstick but how did you think that we wouldn't notice Noah's hickey?


Millie: Yep

Y/n: Millie do you have any foundation on you?

Millie: Always.

Y/n: Can I use it to cover up Noah's hickey?

Millie: I guess so lol

I walk up to Millie in silence, grab the foundation and sit back down.

"Hey Noah, Millie just told me that you have a hickey on your neck. She let me borrow her foundation to cover it up" I whisper into Noah's ear.

"Okay darling" Noah says. I put foundation on top of it, luckily everyone is talking so they don't notice.

A/n sorry it took so long. My school finally started so I have been hella busy.

Have a great day or night xoxo Renny

Word count: 533

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