The Weekend Show

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Days had passed and School was finished for that week, meaning it already is the Weekend.

Tsukasa already was awake, had eaten breakfast and got ready to bring those three their costumes.
He put each costume for them  in a separate bag, so he picked them up and headed out yelling while we stepped out.

"Byee!! Be back soon! Love you!"

The mother nodded and yelled back but Tsukasa was long gone since then.

He brought Emu hers, and it took awhile before he could leave since Emu told him so many things that happened to her, like she went to a zoo and saw a baby panda and such.
Then he went to Nene and brought her costume to her, she was focused on a game, but since she knew he was coming she didn't take it too serious that she lost.
And then...he stops at Ruis door.
He takes a few deep breaths before ringing, since he is still upset that they only go to prom as friends.
The door opened, a cheerful Rui standing infront of him while munching on some Soda Candy!

"Ah!....Mmm.." he swallowed it
"Hey Tsuki! Came to give me my costume for tonight riiiiiight?~"

He has some slight blush on his cheeks as he looked up to Rui.

"Indeed yes..Emu and Nene already got theirs so.."

He hands the bag to Rui, which he takes and just blinks at Tsukasa...

"So um..wanna stay for awhile?? I want to show you something I made! and also I fixed Robo-Nene."

Tsukasas cheeks start going turning more red than before.

"I...-I mean why not..I have nothing to do anyway."

Rui smiles bright which made Tsukasas heart flutter and began to burn up.
So he stepped to the side so Tsukasa could step into his lovely home!

"Your really nice indeed.."

Rui closed the door as he stepped in, and then walks to him

"Why thank you! Well my parents are today at the hospital because my aunt gave birth..and there was an amount of people which could go there, so I stayed home, but it is no matter for me! Come on! Let's go to my room..!"

He randomly takes his hand making Tsukasa literally follow without leaving a choice, but he doesn't mind...yet a literal tomato...but slowy calms down! Not wanting his cover to blow up...

"There we are! don't mind he mess, it was from fixing Robo-Nene earlier."

He rubbed the back of his head and sat down on his desk searching for something

"Oh I don't mind.. don't worry Rui.."

Tsukasa sits down on his bed..waiting patiently, while that he looks around in Ruis room.

"Hehe alright..~ well....which song will we be performing today anyway..?"

His eyes widened, thinking.. Rui awaiting an answer while searching for a certain something

"I texted it to you..."

Tsukasa responds.. while just wanting to grab a pillow but doesn't.

"Ah right...! Forgot sorryyyy~"

He chuckles, and finally found it what he searched for!

"Okay sooo~ Tsuki close your eyesssss!!"

Tsukasa confused..but curious so he does, as he said!


Rui got up, walking up to Tsukasa having something in his hands..holding something infront of him!

"Okay may open now!"

So he opened his eyes..staring at the Rui plushie..

"Hello Tsukasa Tenma..."

Keeps on staring at it while blinking...not knowing what to say...if he shall laugh or cry..


Boops his nose with the small plushies hand, which made tsukasa blush..yet still blinking at it..

"Soo? What do you think?? Cute isn't it! I also made a version of you, but that's mine...and this is now yours!"

He hands it to him... Tsukasa still speechless looking at it, burning up at that point.

"I....thank you Rui..!"

He began to snap out of it, having a smile on his face while looking at him

"Glad you like it! Well then we should go practice and all before the Show starts right??"

He smiled at tsukasa, which couldn't cool him actually down only heating up more!
But he nodded as response and gets up

"Alright then...see you later then!.."

He walked out Ruis room, of course Rui following and opening the front door for him, waving at him before he walks back to his own home with the Plushie he got gifted from him.
Soon as he arrived at home, he began to dress into the costume, and practices his vocal cords.

Some time has passed, and the Show was beginning soon so everyone met up there some minutes before it actually began

So the troupe leader began to talk..

"Everyone ready to make that show great??"

Emu responding very, very excited!

"Of course, we will be always be doing great!! So many people out there just to see us! It is an honour isn't it???!"

Rui chuckled at that since Emu is always so positive and energetic, Nene just nodding
Not soon after Emu said that she rushes to the stage while yelling a loud and clear..


Soon as Emu rushed there, the other three followed her.
Then the Show actually began.

Soon as the Show was done, and the group of four did say goodbye to the audience they headed to the backstage again

As all headed backstage, Tsukasa began to stretch

"The Show was amazing!! Heh.."

Rui responded happily and chuckled afterwards

"Like always hm? I mean since you are our troup just has to be amazing!"

Tsukasa kept stretching while he burned up, as Rui said that and since the back was turned to Rui he couldn't see that, Tsukasa was bright red on his face.
Soon Emu just left with Nene and yelled as she rushed away with her.

"Sooo, Tsukasa... about prom right..."

Tsukasas eyes widened, and turned around since he has already been cooled down..

"Yea...what about it..?"

He looked at Tsukasa serious and then spoke up once more.

"Wanted to ask....would just want to go as friends more?.."

Tsukasas heart dropped at that question...he was struggling to answer, he wanted clearly to say that he doesn't wants to go as 'just friends', he definitely wanted to go as a couple..but yet only said

"Depends on you......I...I gotta go see you at school.."

As soon he said that he rushed off, feeling very humiliated.
Rui wanted to go after him but then just let it be and headed home as well.

Chapter Three Done!!!
Words: 1121
Next Chapter coming soon will take a while probably since I have a lot to do lately
Stay tuned!! :>

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