The Talk

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3 more days until Prom, Tsukasa has been a little distant lately, but it's understandable since Saki is still in the Hospital. Meanwhile Rui gives him some space and such but also does a lot with him to keep him company and to cheer him up a bit.

When Rui came home he decided to wait until his Mother comes home and finally come out and tell it to her that he got a partner.

He had put down his bag in his room and went to the Kitchen to search for some Soda Candy his mother bought him yesterday
"Where is itttt..."

He groaned and kept searching until he opened a door and it fell right onto his head, and it got all spilled on the floor since it was in a plastic bowl.
He was happy he found it but also annoyed since he has to clean it up, or eitherway his Mother would be mad at him.
He kneeled down and cleaned it up, but it back in the bowl and just takes it and rushes into his room immediately. He sat down on his desk, placed the bowl with the Candy down and began to work on a little project for Tsukasa

After a while his bowl was already empty, but kept working after all, since it is a small present for his star!

Not soon after, his mother came home from work and got to cooking some dinner, WITHOUT vegetables since Rui hates those <3
He didn't notice she came home and just kept working until hisn mother called him for Dinner
"Rui!!! Dinner's done get here!"

He jumped up since it startled him and goes to the kitchen instead and sits down waiting for the food his mother made. So she placed all down, and sat down herself and began to eat.
"So Rui... you've been a lot gone lately, with who if I might ask?"

She looked at him while eating dinner, Rui kept chewing until he gulped it down
"Just with Tsukasa.."
He looked away and keeps eating

"Ah..the Blondie you hang out a lot am I right?"
He nodded in response and kept eating, with a very weird feeling.
When both of them finished eating, and his mother had put the dishes into the dishwasher, she turned around and saw her son still sitting there, although he always goes right into his room after dinner, so she sat down and looked at him since he looks like he'd like to say something
He looked at her while playing with his fingers very unsure if she's alright with it.
"Well um... Mother... since we were talking about Tsukasa earlier right.."

"Mhmmm..? What about him?"
She was curious, and sure does want to know what he wants to tell her

"I um..well.. I"
He struggles since he for sure knows she won't be alright with it after all

"Youuu what..?"
She leaned against the chair with arms crossed waiting for his full sentences

"I...I am in a relationship with him."
He looked at her, while her eyes widened looking at him in shock
"You....are what."

"I am in a relationship with Tenma Tsukasa."
He looks right into her eyes, being very serious yet afraid of being a disgrace.

"What do you mean by Friends...right?"
Her voice begins to slowly break while looking at him

"That means...I am dating him mother."
He crossed his arms and waits for the answer of his mother. After a while she speaks up again

"So my son is a fag..I told you so many times that you should date Akiyama instead of falling inlove with a god damn man! He is selfish!! What do you see in him???"
He knew this reaction would come and knows for sure he'll get kicked out.

"First of.. Mizuki got a Girlfriend and they're very happy with her, and second.. he is not selfish, he does such for his sister. and he is a very kind person if you get to know him better!"
His mother already was furious and didn't want a Gay son, since it would destroy the whole family.

"I want you out of this household after your graduation. You're not my son any longer. You got to pack all of your stuff already. I want you out right after it."

Rui couldn't believe what he just heard and asked her again..
"I... excuse me..? What did you just say mother..?"

She said the same sentence once again, when you could see his tears come up and got up to pack his clothes already, while his mother yelled after him

"Also, you won't sleep here for these days and only come here to pack stuff when I am working."
Ruis tears were already streaming down his face, taking everything he needs and gets going while 1/3 of the things are already packed up.

He went out and didn't know where to go at first.. until it started raining and just makes his way to household Tenma.
He ringed the bell and the door opens.

Anyways Chapter Ten finally done as well!!
Words: 923
This chapter was kinda short since it's in 2 Parts but don't worry chapter 11 will be there soon probably tomorrow or today perhaps, if I feel like it of course. But I'll probably will upload it later so dw :3
Anyways thanks for reading this once more!!
(Even though I update this rarely cause Stess ^^;)

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