Chapter 7

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***Dementors On A Train***

***Start at the end, sometimes that's simpler than the beginning***

-11:12 am-

Hermione Granger was practically dragging Angel past the entire school, while Ron dutifully walked behind them with a face of thunder. It seemed the three of them were once again exhibits, free for the whole school and it was only 12 minutes into the journey. It had to be a new record.
That was until she found a compartment with only one inhabitant and sat Angel down on the seat next to the fast-asleep man.

Ron was sceptical, but the kinky-haired Gryffindor simply acknowledged "Everywhere else is full"
"I know but..." Ron spluttered, as he was pulled into the compartment.
He was on the verge of opening his mouth to argue but saw a bored look appearing out of his friend's hair on a snake that flicked his tail at him. It made him shut up pretty quickly.
Plus, he didn't want to argue with Hermione again, the last time ended with him in tears and the hospital wing

The Hogwarts Express was usually reserved for students, and the trio had never seen an adult there before, except for the Wixen who pushed the food cart. And Angel thought she, Mrs Ianthe Sweets née Yaxley a squib who had worked on the enchanting voyager for decades, was a hero.
However, this stranger wasn't dressed in a darling blue dress layered with distinguished white frills without a stitch out of place, in fact, it was the opposite, with a pair of extremely shabby set of muddy brown Wix's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was specked with grey.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron hissed as he leaned against the cool glass window. For some reason, the compartment was stifling hot, almost as if it came from the stranger
"Professor R. J. Lupin" Hermione dictated boredly as she sat down opposite a smiling snake nestled contently in Angel's strawberry blonde curls.

Hermione was going to ask but decided against it as Angel conversed in small smiley hisses, which was something she hasn't seen for a long while. And because Ron questioned hotly "How'd you know that?"
"It's on his case, Ronald" Hermione replied curtly, pointing at the luggage rack over the man's head, where there was a small, battered case held together with a large quantity of neatly knotted string.
The name Professor R. J. Lupin was stamped across one corner in peeling golden letters

"Wonder what he teaches?" Ron mused frowning at Professor Lupin's pallid profile
"That's obvious" Angel smirked as she pulled out the pillow from her bag, "There's only one vacancy, the same one as always" And the food she had made for Fern, so Ron wouldn't eye her companion or complain about Scabbers safety "Defence Against the Dark Arts"

Angel, Ron, and Mia already had two Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, both of whom had lasted only one year. One was killed by Angelica, and the other 'Obliviated' because of Ronald's old broken wand. Maybe this time the reason would have to do Hermione, it would seem about right.
There were rumours that the job was jinxed, but it seemed to intensify due to clashing exponentially with 'Potter Luck'

"Well, I hope he's up to it" Ron mumbled doubtfully as he wiped his forehead of the small beads of sweat "He looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn't he? Anyway..." The youngest Weasley male turned to the 13-year-old feeding her snake "What did you want to tell us?"
With a weary sigh Angel explained all about the warning Mr Weasley had just given her and the sparkling vocabulary Niklaus had expressed when finding out about the Mass murderer she was related to a month ago.

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