Chapter 8

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***A Spot of Tea***

***Such simple chaos, can end dynasties. And you should wear it as a badge of honour***

-2nd September 1993-
-8:23 am-

When Angel, Ron, and Mia entered the Great Hall for breakfast very sluggishly may they add, they couldn't even deal with all the eyes on them this early. All because of how they were all dressed

Angelica Eris Potter was wearing one of her very own uniforms that she had made from the patterns Daphne had sent her for her 13th birthday.
A pair of black fitted trousers, with pockets the Last Potter made into deep voids with an 'Expanding Charm' with the help of her golden blonde haired roommate Lavender Brown that morning.
A greying chiffon ruffled shirt displayed prominently underneath a blood-red coat with delicate muted golden embellishments, that reached the tips of her black ankle boots

Lady Rings adorned her fingers along with a few that housed protection spells from Sigismund. Small leather bands were wrapped around her wrists that Niklaus gave to her inscribed with Old Norse and other dead languages, so if she managed to die, Angel would be fine abet roughed up but alive.
Her signature winged eyeliner sharp enough to cut you, even if it was hidden behind her new marble grey square-shaped glasses which The Cursed Original paid for after seeing an Optometrist
Finishing her look of the day was styling her mass of somewhat tamed strawberry blond curls into two tight Dutch braids that stopped at the nape of her neck allowing the bottom and more presentable curls to be on display

Hermione Granger was in the more traditional uniform.
A pearly white shirt that was pressed to the inch of its life was buttoned up to the top, with her perfectly straight tie under the down-turned stiff collar.
This was all tucked into a pair of high-waisted black trousers, as the First generation Wixen had all but through her school skirts into the Gryffindor tower fire after waking up from her Petrifaction. The knee-length skirt had gotten snagged on her chair tearing the material and making the sound echo in the library.
Her outermost layer was not her robe since she had accidentally forgotten to pack the heavy material, instead a blazer was proudly seen

Mia had decided to grow out her coils, so the stunning ebony locks managed to now halo her soft heart-shaped face.
Speaking of her face, Lady Potter still hadn't managed to convince the eldest of the trio to try any speck of makeup not that she needed it as her smooth cocoa skin glowed in any light.
However, Angel did manage to persuade Hermione to wear a simple leather strap necklace with a very strong 'Nature Protection spell' etched on it. She also had on her watch, which she was checking more so than normal

Ronald Weasley was dressed summarily to Hermione.
He wore a pair of black trousers, that had 'Growing charms' woven in since the youngest male Weasley was starting to go through puberty.
His shirt however was littered with creases and his sleeves rolled up, so his freckled arms were seen from his time under the Egyptian sun. As well as it not being buttoned to the top as he had repeatedly mentioned needing to breathe if he was to learn.
Moreover, his red and gold tie was just draped over his shoulders due to the fact he had no energy to tie it.

Since the influx of hormones within Ron's body, spots started to appear on his face, and he was not ashamed to say he asked Angel to apply concealer to them.
Not many people knew how self-conscious the redhead was, but what exacerbated that fact was his hair. Especially now as it was as long as his ears and wasn't red at all, it was pink. Last night after the Weasley clan, or who in the Weasleys still attended school, had the annual 'Truth or Dare' match in the common room, Ron had been Dared to drink one of the Twins' latest concoctions and the rest was history
He also had his own form of protection as his eldest brother William had given him a few hairclips he had Warded himself that would be good enough until his birthday for him to get a ring from the Family volt

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