Chapter 5

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***Family is Power***

***Plot twists in a book make things interesting, but in real life, it's annoying or heart-breaking Normally both***

-1st August 1993-
-2:16 am-
-Naxos Chora-

Flurries of whites and creams fluttered on Niklaus Mikealson's canvas, soaring through the pinks and Oranges of the late evening.
As the starlit sky poured into the room, he listened to the soft hum of his ward's heart as she slept in the West wing.
However, while he was so focused on getting Hedwig's eye's the right shade of hazel with a smattering of golden sparkle within them, he didn't realize the strawberry blonde had awakened by the very Owl he was painting. The Original only did when Angel came barrelling in with an official-looking letter that was gripped tightly in her hand and Fern burrowed in her hair as he awoke at the same time she did

"Do you know what time it is, Little Witch" The Ocean eyed vampire drawled as he halted the movements of his paint-coated brush
Furrowing her brow, she turns to look out of the window and saw the shapes in the darkness and suggested "Night time?"
"And so. You should be asleep" The Original drawled with a Mikealson smirk proud on his timeless features when he turned to look at the pyjama-clad Gryffindor
Angel looked adorable in her large Weasley Jumper and a pair of fuzzy shorts, even more so with a pout on her face and spoke as if it personally insulted her "I was"

Niklaus tilted his head to observe the fidgeting short 13-year-old. Despite the way her arms crossed her chest, Angelica was quite hesitant to even be in the room. So, the Mikealson male softly spoke, in a voice that only the Potter Heiress would hear from the Vampire "Did you have a nightmare?"
"No... Not tonight anyway" Angel confessed mutedly, before lifting her head and shoving the broken waxed sealed letter into the Original's paint-stained hand "Here"

"I don't trust this" Niklaus exclaimed once reading "When did it come? Why didn't it arrive yesterday?"
Angelica Potter was smiling kindly at the beautiful image of her first friend, sleepy eyes saw how loving each stroke seemed. In this state her filter was very loose, so she told him over her shoulder "Very good questions, but I don't know the exact time down to the second" Ignoring the pointed look, the bastard Original was bestowing the back of her nest of curls. Angel shrugged shoulders with the grace of a drunk elephant and answered "About 5 minutes I think" 

After a long pause, Niklaus told his ward, compromising which was something he would never do for just anyone "We will leave in the morning. I will get us a flight back to England"
"Or we just say the magic words" The Marauder Heir prompted with faux innocence shining in her bright emerald eyes. 

Niklaus sighed deeply, just like his elder brother which made the Cursed vampire internally cringed at the thought.
Shaking his head, he asked with a Mikealson smirk gleaming proudly "How long have you been wanting to say that"
"Years" The 13-year-old breathed out with a giddy smile

Unfortunately for the centuries-old Vampire, he was not immune to the wide doe eyes and sternly confessed "I'm not happy. I want you to know that"
"Thank you" Angel repeated with energy she didn't know she had, whilst burrowed into his chest, breathing in the smoky undertone that seemed to follow Niklaus like a cloud

"Yes, well... Get changed into something appropriate," Niklaus told the Last Potter who was quite confused hugging his side "Unless you want to go covered in paint"
Her features broke out into a sheepish expression before she ran out of the paint-filled room. Only to run back in so she could kiss his cheek, completely missing the bewildered smile blooming on his lips as he stood transfixed on her retreating form

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