Chapter 10

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***Werewolf Mcwerewolf***

***Fear stops stupidity, but then people tell you to be brave anyway***

-10 September 1993-
-7:58 am-

Good luck on your second first day, Little Witch.

Now try not to get into any more danger. Or you will be with me in Majorca before the day's finished

Love N.M


-1:10 pm-

"Now, then," Remus John Lupin announced, effectively silencing the slow murmurings as this was one of the first-ever practical inclined Defence Lessons

Beckoning the class toward the end of the room, where there was nothing but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their spare robes.
As Professor Lupin went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall. As the whole room was on edge, the Marauder, however, just stood there with a kind smile on his haggard face "Intriguing, yes?" He wondered aloud, "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside"

In a hushed voice that still carried through the room, Seamus Finnigan blurted out from the middle of a collection of Gryffindors "That's a Boggart, that is"
The Irish half-blood had an unforgettable experience with one when he was 6.
The only good thing about it was his first bout of accidental magic, and the first time he uncovered his odd relationship with pyrotechnics.
It gave his dad a terrible fright to see ceramic shards impaled in the cloakroom, only to calm down when he remembered it was a gift from his in-laws who never understood how much he hated ceramic magical Gnomes. The 34-year-old Irish man never could look at a potato the same again

"Very good, Mr Finnigan" Remus praised softly before he started to pace in front of the class, "Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces, Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks - I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock"
Pausing his stride, a little to the left of the rattling wardrobe, he inclined his head saying, "This one moved in yesterday afternoon. I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third years some practice."
Realising he had gotten carried away, Remus cleared his throat with an awkward chuckle, before asking softly "Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?"

"No one knows" Hermione Granger, answered as she tucked something golden underneath her white shirt.
You wouldn't have even noticed she was wearing it, apart from the small flash of golden metal that was twisted with the leather necklace Angel gave her the night they arrived. Only 9 days ago
But then again you would have to be looking very close to spot it and unfortunately for her, Ron was.

It was all because he jumped at her sudden voice, causing him to whisper into Angel's ear "When did she get here?"
Not looking away from the rugged professor, the last Potter shrugged cluelessly informing the boy with baby blue hair "Technically that would be the 1st"

"Boggarts are shape shifters" Hermione answered, bringing them both back into focus with the lesson "They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most"
Angel was still in awe of how Mia retained all this information, especially when she had just read this chapter for the first-time last night. It was a part of the overview of what she had missed from her hospital stay.
But to be perfectly honest, Angel was concentrating on braiding the masses of thick coils her roommate has than listening to her prattle on about the correct wrist movements for charms or how stupid she found Divination
"That's what makes them so-"
"Terrifying, yes" Professor Lupin finished for her with an almost fond smile

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