Chapter 3

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***Devil's In The Details***

*** Heroes always have a tragic back story, but so does every Villain. And normally they're very similar***

-29th July 1993-
-12:02 pm-

"So, Angel" Niklaus mused as he sipped his coffee, leaning back on his chair that was outside the quaint café "Where are your guardians?" The question was accompanied by a smile, but one could easily seriousness in his voice "Or do they not care, you could be harmed walking around"

"That depends" The girl nestled in the warm leather answered as she absentmindedly played with the small sachet of sugar that she had opened for her tea "If you're talking about my Parents, they're dead" Angelica furrowed her brow slightly not out of pain and morning, but for the fact she felt so detached from them.
Then giving the frowning vampire a lazy smirk telling him "And my guardians would have a celebration party for when I die. What about you?"
"That is a long story" Niklaus waved off, matching her smirk "But the short version is, my mother is dead and unfortunately my father isn't"

Before either of them could ask another question, a brunette in her late teens came with two Full English, just one held more black pudding than the other "Here you go"
"Thank you, love" Niklaus replied absentmindedly
The waitress replied with a flirty smile, fluttering her eyelashes "Enjoy"

There was a comfortable silence as they ate, well it was more Niklaus than Angel which he saw and told her with a small chuckle "You look like your head's going to explode, little witch"
"Oh, no" The emerald-eyed Potter muttered despondently, motioning her head in the direction of the TV shop across the road that had the news on in the window "Just looking at him"

Niklaus followed with his eyes to the multitude of screens, before tilting his head using his enhanced hearing, saying "Sirius Black"
"He's apparently going to kill me," Angel told him with shock shining in her eyes. She didn't know how Niklaus knew who he was, but then again, his face has been everywhere in the magical and Muggle world.
And apparently, forgetting he had enhanced hearing from the spell that made vampires, but in her defence, she hadn't reached that specific chapter yet

"He won't harm you" The Cursed Original declared without a trace of a lie anywhere
"Why," Astrid asked innocently with a tilt of her head just like a puppy
"Because you're under my protection" He replied simply

It was such a strong statement, Angel felt compelled to believe him. Yet, that didn't stop her from saying "You just met me"
Her underlying anxieties simmered to the surface, why would someone care for her without motive? Niklaus honestly didn't know why he felt so protective, okay he did but explaining was another story entirely. So, he ignored the silent question that her eyes were asking, and truthfully Angelica didn't want the answer

Rather, the Cursed Original asked "What happened back there"
"When?" Angel asked, only to get a look of disbelief in return "Ohh right, vampy bit me" She muttered, placing her knife and fork down, the young girl explained the best she could since she herself had no clue "I think my blood did something to them. Then... Magic"

It was very easy to get sucked into whatever the magical 12-year-old discussed, Angel would unknowingly say one or two aspects that would turn everything in its head. Which had just happened now, as Niklaus questioned "What do you mean about your blood?"
"Not sure, I was poisoned a few months ago" The petite Wixen informed, unconsciously reaching for the shrunken fang hanging from her neck with her left hand "It's still in my system"

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