Black And Blue.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The first thing that returned him to awareness was the pain. The seething, agonising sensation coursing through his body as the blue mascot sighed into the soft surface he had somehow ended up on. His eyes closing as the urge to sleeping came back. It was tempting to give in and rest the pain away.

It has to hurt so much. Curse you, intruder. I was doing my job.

Something grunted in the darkness as they slow approached the open door where Huggy resided in his injured, vulnerable state. Huggy's eyes immediately shot open, his body curling defensively as a shadowed figure walked toward his terrain. Their eyes gleaming and a smile placed on their features. Huggy attacked the figure, pinning them to the floor as their supplies split everywhere, flying all over the room as his attacker hit back with equal strength and even some grace. Her whimper was what caught him off guard. The dim lighting gave way to her same coloured eyes like his.

It's you?

He hadn't seen her in years.

His sight still blurry, he barely made them out until she approached the light. Her pink furred body and her permanently placed smile shaky as his vision when his eyes darted all over the room. Trying to remember how he got here, the look Kissy gave made him sit back on the bed like a child. Cross legged and arms folded. Pouting as if he'd been been caught doing something wrong.


...She denied him access to her mind. She'd never done that before. And he wouldn't be declined again. He was only checking in on her mental state. Huggy childishly tried using their bond to open a link, but Kissy merely tightened her grip on the line and roped a mental door around her brain. Her host even denied Huggy in talking to her. He tried again, and again, and again. And still the same result.

What's wrong with her?

The pink mascot wouldn't even look at him.


She knew of his fear for ignorance. She merely side-eyed her counterpart before applying a stinging substance that was supposed to help his wounds heal. Huggy audibly, but again she didn't respond. She was holding her ground on this. It seemed Kissy decided to be assertive. It didn't suit her. Her personality was kind and caring. And right now, she was being the opposite.

You shouldn't have done that. I could have lost you to him. There are worse fates then death.

And then she blocked him once more. Shoving him onto his stomach, Huggy only now noted his matted fur and standing hairs on end that would need fixing. And since they had no human devices-

Oh no.

Yes, little mascot. If you didn't want it, then you would've moved. Put yourself into a different position and I'll stop.

Kissy started the grooming process, a somewhat painful and pleasurable procedure. Between the top part of his head, she licked the hairs and her yellow gloved hands smoothed the hairs standing on end. The dirt and grime on his body was slowly swatted away and Kissy finished the top of his head, leaving an affectionate stroke in her wake. Huggy admitted to feeling a little better than before. She was here. With him of all toys. They'd been a dynamic duo, then Kissy abandoned him to search for herself or something along the lines of that. He never heard her out or had taken the time to listen. And he hadn't forgiven her for the misdeeds she committed.

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