Part Of Thyself.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Based on the theory of Ollie being the prototype/part of him.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"There used to be eight of the smiling critters. Then it went down as the years came and went. Seven, six, five, four...all deteriorated to shells of their former selves. At some point, all of these mascots were replaced by beasts only capable of hate."

To an extent, he spoke the truth. Feeding the human the information they so desperately craved. Any answers provided by a seeming willing ally is all that it took to gain their trust. A few strings pulled here, a little mismatched voices there, and they were all his to puppeteer. Steer in the..right direction. Unlike that little doll and her dangerous games she put them through.

PoorthingtheywerechosenbyPoppy-shewilldestroytheminsideandout they'llpaythepricefortheirsins-

The steam of consciousnesses that made them up devised a plan to guide the human as they ventured through the Playcare. His latest servant volunteering to protect him against the threats. How quaint. Catnap proved quite useful in the grand scheme of things, and their plans for come soon. They only needed to be patient.


"The first thing you'll need to do is locate the generator to the Playcare. The power went out a long time ago."

They witnessed the human nodding in the distance. Feeling a little...flattered of their attentiveness. Watching as they approached the life, and started their ascent to the Prototype's living hell. A few souls were earnestly invested in Poppy's little ploy, and the presence of the innocent child created a link between themself and the Prototype for a private conversation. Away from prying ears and watch eyes. Of course the only pair being his own stolen ones from some random carcass.


...Ollie. The name created by a few of the damned toys attached to him. Shadows of their spirits, in their toy forms lingered around the place. Floating, some eternally sleeping, and others conversing to distract themselves from their fate. He actual heard the voice of the child, proving it to be them and not an imposter. Some of the others loved to try and trick him.


A certain female spider mascot made it her afterlife's mission to annoy him. Knowing she wouldn't ever gain control of the body, she revelled in the amount of time he gave to drive him insane.


Contrary to 'Ollie' as his spirit hugged itself, the transparent shadow crawling into his arms for comfort. All the selves paying attention as one of the silent ones mutely asked for permission before embracing the lost child. A recent addition to the fold. One that still at times thought he still lived. The eyes shifting to that of a robotic take, the screen bumping their heads together to try and bring a sliver of hope.

The true host didn't know such affection.

We have to do this. For you. For us. They can't live like this anymore.

'Ollie' looked around to all the hopeful faces of its peers. Wanting nothing more than to finish their business and move. Most of them denying it would never happen, a portion leaning on him to carry out years and years worth of plans and thinking and testing for it to finally come true. The freedom they so wanted.

The human will save them.

On certain conditions, and it would be met. The child whimpered and dug themself deeper into the physical body of the Prototype, another Cat-Bee toy gently dropping a device in their hands. Obeying the mental instruction to speak into it.

"Hey, it's me. Again. I see you've met Poppy and Kissy Missy. She'll be a huge help to us. The first thing is home sweet home. A room is hidden, and it's one of the keys to divert the smoke from the main direction. Be aware of CatNap. He isn't really...fond of sudden visitors."

The child didn't give the human a chance to reply, instead dropping the device and slumping against their chest. Even as a shadow of their selves, the spirits and voices gathered around, getting together to allow one of their own to forget why they were in this place. Because of the true host unable to let them be happy. Claiming their souls, and marking them as theirs. Blocking off any contact apart from operating the body. It trusted a single soul to leave in charge nearly 24/7, and they were honoured by this command.


Any human in the past would have opposed his rule. Any toys in the present knew better than to rebel. Apart from the few who were swiftly...taken care of. Shown mercy despite their misgivings. Thrown into a pity and given a taste of what they had to go through in order to save everyone.

If they didn't like the treatment, then the Prototype wished them luck in dealing with his less than sane protégés. Willingly or not, they served him exceptionally well. Buying him enough time for what was needed to be done.

Foolish. All of them.

He couldn't agree more.

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