Ch.3 I've got a feeling... that tonight's not gonna be a good night

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Alex's POV

After noticing Grover wasn't paying attention in class, which is a first, I decided to help him... I mean, it's the least I could for him NOT hating me or being annoying. I offered giving him notes during lunch. Cause, I'm THAT nice.

Well, probably should pay attention and start to make those notes I promised... wait.. I thought looking at my once blank paper that is filled with my sloppy "half paying attention" writing and some sucky drawings. Good job, brain.

(Time skip...LIKE A BOSS)


I decided to be courageously different and... NOT sit alone for once. I (fabulously) walked over to a table where Grover and Percy were sitting. Don't know why, but I feel like a pull to chill with them. Like a childhood friend. I sat by them and greeted them.

"Hey, Perc. Grove!!" I said playfully. I heard Percy chuckle while Grover looked at me like he just found something he lost... totally not creepy.

"What's up with Tree over there? Why does he look like he has been through war?" I asked Percy curiously, but also concerned.

"Your guess is as good as mine. He has been like this every since, Mr. Brunner talked to him this morning." He responded after finishing a bite of sandwich.

I shrugged it off, while eating my PBJ. I love food.. so good. Always there for you. It doesn't just hang with you for reputation or lies. It loves YOU, not what you have. Food > People. OK... that was off-topic.

After my little rant about food, I started to think of ways to help Grover. I mean, him and Percy (or Purse/ Perc) are closest things to friends I have. I concluded that I would talk to Mr. Brunner during Latin to ask what was bothering Grover, then talk to Grover about it and help him, if possible. There is this feeling around me that one, whatever Grover is thinking about involes Percy, Grover, Mr. Brunner, and somehow.. me and that two, it isn't good.

And all I hope is that no one gets hurt badly, because of it.

Plan: Save Latin, Tree, Perc in motion.

Hope you liked it!!! I'm planning on updating more, but... School decides I need to read a 200 page non-fiction book and write like a page about it in less than 2 weeks, right before testing. Thanks, school.. great job *applauds in the background*

I'm gonna try to update more, but it takes like an hour to do one chapter, so.. sorry.

Also, I was listening to the song at the top (Fall Out Boy - Irresistible) almost the whole time.. so that has nothing to do with the story, except that Alex likes that kind of music and much MUCH more.

Comment down below what song the Ch. title is based of (It is really random)


Le BoBo

P.s. Check the external link for what Alex looks like.

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