Chapter 2: The Date

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10 minutes later we arrived at a super fancy restaurant, I've never heard of.

"Wow!" I gasped

"This place must be really ecspensive!"

"Are you sure we can aford it?!" I questioned.

" Ofcourse, I will take care of everything.

Think of it as an early birthday present!" He said.

We walked inside, and it looked like a palace. There were shandalears and satin drapes.

We had reservations, so we sat down right away. A waitress gave us menus, and there was such a huge variety of choices, I was puzzled.

" What would you like To drink, miss?" asked the waitress.

" I will have a Dr.Pepper,please!" I said cheerfully.

" I'm sorry we will only have wine and light drinks, such as lemonade and sweat tea" she said.

" oh! Well i guess I will have a sweat tea with a side of water" I replyed.

" ok, and you sir?" Questioned to waitress.

" just water, will be fine, thanks" Louis answered.

The waitress walked away.

"He, he" Louis giggled.

"What?" I questioned?

" you must not have ever been to a fancy restuaunt, ordering a Dr.Pepper" he said.

"You noticed that, huh?" I laughed.

" yes, and it's ok,I love you for who you are" he replyed

The waitress had came back with our drinks.

" here you go" she said as she placed the drinks on the table.

She had spilled my sweat tea all over me.

"Oh my god! My dress!!" I screamed in horror.

"I'm so sorry, miss!!!" She said as she scurried to wipe up the sweat tea.

I got up and ran into the bathroom.

The dress was soaked.

What was I going to tell Harry's mother?!

I looked in the mirror.then walked out.

I returned to the table and asked Louis if we can go.

"Um, sure" he said.

I rushed out, and Louis followed.

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