Capter 11

45 3 3

Sophia's POV***********

It was about 11:30am when i woke up.

"Hey gorgeous!" Zayn said, laying beside me, already awake.

____________ in Sophia's head____________



"Um, hi" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Do you still hate me?" He questioned.

" I don't know Zayn!" I said, leaning forwards with the covers over my chest.

"You know your beutiful right?" Zayn said, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes, and your not ganna win me over with words" I said.

"Aren't words what made you Fall in love with me on the first place?" He questioned.

"Well, yes. But you can't win me back the same way!" I said laying back down, facing the other direction from him.

" then what can I do?" Zayn questioned, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I don't know Zayn! But what I can tell you is-is, that last night...... Was a mistake" i said, putting my shirt and shorts on a d walking out.

Elenor's POV**********

I'm sooooo excited. Today is the day!!!! I'm not ganna bring it up!! I'm ganna see if they remember.

I put on my over the shoulder red,blue, and white striped shirt that said "love" across it, navy blue sailor shorts, and red beré. Next, I added light make up, that gave me a natural look.then, curled my hair, and put on my white toms. Omg that outfit sound soooo adorable.

I walked out of my room, and Louis noticed me.

"Hello gorgeous!!!!" He said amazed. " you look beutiful!!"

"Thanks!" I said blushing.

"Are you excited!"He questioned.

"Oh, um... Hell yeah!" I answered cheerfully.

We walked out the front door, and drove off.

Niall's POV*************


I slowely opened Alexa's door.

She fluttered her long eyelashes open.

"Hey sleepy head!" I wispered joyfully.

"Oh um, hey!" She said in her soft morning voice.

"Why are you sweating?" I questioned her.

"Oh, i had a bad dream. It was nothing" she assured.

"Are you sur?" I asked sitting down beside her.

" it was nothing Niall, forget about it, it was nothing" she stated getting annoyed.

She was wearing a white tank top and Long blue pajamas pants. She slipped on her peach American eagle jacket. I reached for her hand and lead her out of the room.

Sophia and Zayn were in the kitchen. We walked in, and they were silent. Sophia was holding a cup of coffee in her hands.

I noticed Zayn attempting to put his arm around her waiste, when she walked away.

About 4hours later.

Louis's POV**********

We were almost to our destination where I was going to surprise Elenor, when I received a text.

"Louis come home! I need your help!" Niall texted.

"Um, sweat heart. There is some type of emergency, we have to go back" I told Elenor.

"What!!! Ugh!!! Fine!!!!!!!" She pouted and didn't say a word the whole way back.

Elenor waited in the car, while I went indie to find Zayn and Sophia bickering back and forth.while Alexa and Niall attempted to calm them down.


"WE'LL IT DOESN'T MEAN GO MAKE OUT WITH SOME SLUT!!!!" Sophia screamed back.

"Wow,wow,wow,wow!!!!!! Hold up!!!" I shouted making them silent. "What the hell is going on here! And whatever it is, shouldn't make you act like wild animals!!!!" I said raising my voice.

Elenor came in with a tear almost escaping her eye. I turned around and softly asked "what's wrong?"

"THEM, THiS, Louis!!!!!!!! They have been clueless for while now and I chat seem to catch a fucking break from it louis!!!!!!!"she yelled furiously with tears running down her checks.

"Calm down Elenor!!" Harry and Liam said, supposively hearing her from the other room.

"NO! I can't calm down!!!!!! Because of these two, you-you.....

(Get ready!this was the special thing in the beginning. I mentioned it in chapter 1!!!!!!)

Forgot my fucking My birthday!!!!!!!!!!! And not even that, you distracted my boyfriend, the only one who remembered, away from it! Just because you have your drama, doesn't mean it has to come out on all of us!!!!!!!! You know what!!!!!!!?? I suggest one of you just leave, just move on!!!!!!!! Because believe me, before Sophia showed up, everything was perfect. Now it's a living hell for me!!!!!!!!!!!! Im living in a Fucking hell hole because you bitches can't pull yourselves together!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She furiously shouted.

And with that one of them left.

But who?


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