Chapter 7: Mistakes

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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!" My alarm buzzed.

I woke up drowsy, with Louis laying beside me.

I quietly crawled out of bed, into the kitchen, where Harry's mom was.

" that was a pretty loud ruckus lastnight, what happened?" Harry's mother questioned.

" oh, yeah. Me and Sophia got into a pretty loud conversation, I guess.

Ill go check on her. I hope she has calmed down!" I said.

I slowly opened her door, where she was staying.

She wasnt there. But the bed was made and a note was placed on the comforter.


Dear Elenor,

As soon as i found out about this, I knew it wouldn't work out. I'm taking a flight back home. Just forget I ever came and we can move on. We can still keep in touch, just never speak of this. I will call you when I get home.


Sophia Caroline<3


"Oh, no" I said softly t myself.

I rushed into the guest where Louis was still sleeping.

"Louis, Louis, Louis" I said shaking him vigorously.

"What, what's is it" he said in his hot British morning voice.

"It's Sophia, she leaving! We have to go get her'' I whaled.

"Louis got up in a white T-Shirt, plad pajama pants, and bunny slippers.

He rushed out of the room. I mentioned to Harry's mother that we were going to the airport.

Without a dout,in our pajamas, drove to the airport.

Flight 283739 is boarding now. A voice over the intercome said.

Taking a risk we headed for that flight.

"Sophia!" I screamed noticing her about to board.

"What,and make it quick, my plane is boarding" she whaled.

"Please don't go! We can work this out, just come back to Harry's place with me, we can talk there" I pleaded.

"No, I'm going home! Dont worry I will keep your secret" she said trying to pull away from my grip.

"C'mon Sophia, give us a chance" Louis asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

She shook his grip and pulled my arm away. "I'm going home, whether you like it or not"

"STOP!" Zayn said running from around the corner, towards us.

"Zayn?!" We all questioned.

"I know I just met you" he said to Sophia holding her waist, "but maybe this could change your mind"

He cupped her face and kissed her passionately.

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Sorry guys of this chapter was short! But I promise there will be more and some surprises!!!;)))

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