Chapter 14

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Elenor's POV******************

"What happened!?" I screeched.

Alexa was in shock.

"I-I got upset! H-his head hit the table! I didn't mean it!!" Louis stuttered.

Harry and Liam stopped their bickering. Liam checked him pulse.

"He's still alive, call an ambulance or something!!!" Liam shouted.

Harry dialed his phone.


"Yes, um, my friend is here on the ground! H-he is bleeding, and w-we need help!!!"

Harry walked into the other room.

Seconds later an ambulance appeared outside the house.

Louis's POV**********

"Niall!" I shouted as the paramedics barged through the door.

Ing up

They put Niall on the stretcher. Then they rushed out the door. It all happened in a blur.

I attempted to run after them, when Elenor pulled me back. I turned towards her and dropped my head, I started tearing up. I didn't want to cry in front of the one who looks up to me and expects me to be this strong figure. But I couldn't hide it.

"I didnt mean to do it! (Sniff, sniff)" I sniffled.

"I know you would never mean to hurt someone!" Elenor assured.

Alexa had snapped out of being shock.

"Y-you killed him..." She muttered.

"No,no, Alexa! He's ganna be, um, ok!" Elenor said putting her hand on her should.

I looked up at her. She had a tear escaping her eye.

"I did it on purpose, I was mad..... But I didn't mean to hurt him..." I spoke up.

Elenor turned her head towards me.

"Why were you angry?" She asked slowly.

I dropped my head again.

"He said it was all your fault, he said it was because of your stupid emotions......" I said softly.

"He might as well be DEAD!!!!! Your killed him!!! I loved him you murderer!!!!!!"Alexa shouted.

"Calm down!" Elenor said.

She darted towards the door. The ambulance were just taking off.

Alexa's POV***************

"Niall!" I shouted.

"Hop in!" Harry and Liam said with the car as the pulled up.

I got in and we drove off, following the ambulance.

" he dead,he's dead, he's dead!!" I said to myself.

"It's ok, he's still alive" Liam assured.

"We are here!" Harry said and we rushed out.

I saw Niall on the stretcher. He looked dazed and confused, his eyes were fluttering. He was loosing alot of blood.

"Niall?" I said softly.

He licked his lips before he said " ale, ale, Alexa....."

"Niall, Niall! I'm here!" I said grabbing his hand.

That's when we reach the emergency room. I tryed to reach for him, but they wouldn't let me through.

"C'mon! It's ganna be fine!" Harry said hugging me.

I cryed on his shoulder.

Louis's POV**************

"He's one of my best mates" I told Elenor as we were sitting on the couch.

"I know" Elenor said.

"I'm worried, what I'd he does die! I will be a murderer!! I might be arrested!" I frantically said.

"Your not ganna get arrested! Don't be silly!" She assured.

"You don't know that....." I mumbled under my breath.

"Your right, I don't! But what I do know is that a few months ago, you told me that we were ganna work through this together. That you will be by my side through all of it. And you know what? Now it's my turn to return the favor. Now I'm ganna stand by YOUR side" I told him in a stern voice.

"Thank you, Elenor.... I love you" I said feeling a little better inside.

"I love you too" she replied.

Alexa's POV******************

Me, liam, and Harry were sitting in the waiting room. I was laying on Liam's shoulder.

"How long has it been?" I asked Liam.

''What?" He questioned.

"How long has it been since me and Niall got together?" I asked again.

"I believe about 3 months" Liam replied.

"Oh.... Thanks....." I answered.

"Why did you ask?" He questioned.

"Well, I haven't had my first kiss. I wanted Niall to be my first. But it might be to late" I said in a soft voice.

"Hey, don't give up on him. Niall is tough, he will pull out of this!" Liam assured.

"For someone to pull out of an injury like that, would be a miracle." I told him.

"Well, I believe in miracles and I believe in Niall. So, those are 2 things you you can choose to belove in." Liam said.

Liam was very wise. He always knew the right thing to say. Talking to him, makes me feel better and more relaxed.

Sophia's POV******************

I looked out my window.

"Looks like rain might be comming, Luke!" I said.

I took Alexa's advice, and attempted to move on.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah! Here, let me check the news" I told him.

I grabbed the remote and cuddled up with Luke on the couch as I pressed the power button.

" breaking news!! Super star, Niall Horan, is in the hospital, due to an injury caused by one of his band mates, Louis Tomlinson!"

"What!?!?" I held.

"What's the matter?!" Luke asked.

"Niall! I know him! He's a really close friend, I-I need to go see him! Oh my god, oh my god!" I shouted.

" you can't just leave on such short notice!?" Luke argued.

"Apparently, I'm ganna have to?!" I said.

I rushed to my room and packed my suit case.

"But, where are you ganna get a plane ticket?!" He said.

"Stop making excuses! I will figure it all out! But right know I have to go!!"


Author's note:

Hey guys! Hope you guys are enjoying it!!!! It's getting pretty breathe taking, isnt it? Ok, so I just want you guys to comment lots of questions!! I will answer them ASAP!!! You guys can also comment to tell me I deas ou may have!! You might get lucky, and get that idea published!! Ok, I love you guys!!!!! Vote,vote,vote!!!!

-Makenna Moore (A.K.A Kenny)

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