Chapter 10

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I'm ganna stop titling the chapters!

Hope that's ok with you guys!!!!!!!!!


Niall's POV********

"Niall stop!" Alexa stated.

"What is it love?" I questioned softly.

" we'll I-I haven't had my first kiss. I've been saving it" she mumbled.

"Why have you saved it?" I asked softly sitting her down at a table.

"I guess I wanted it to be special....." She said looking into my eye.

" if you don't want me to be your first kiss, I am more than ok with that, i will wait for you" I said

"Thanks, if you can understand, that my first kiss in a club with a bunch of sweaty drunk people doesn't sound that romantic does it?" She questioned rubbing her shoulder.

"I understand, and I meant it when I said I will wait for you" I mentioned.

She smiled.

I held her hand as we got up, and I led her out of the club. We drove back to Harry's mothers place.

When we got back, all of the guys were sitting on the couch talking.

We walked o er holding hands.

Harry's POV*************

"Looks like we got some more love birds in the house" I chanted.

Niall looked over at Alexa.

" yea, I guess we are" she said speaking up, still looking at Niall. Niall smiled.

We sat down next to Elenor and Louis.

"Guys can I ask something of you?" Zayn asked shy like.

" sure anything" we all said agreeingly.

" I want to do something for Sophia, something that will surely get her to forgive me!" He stated.

" like what?" Louis questioned.

"I'm not sure yet, but when it comes to me, I will know" Zayn assured.

"Yeah, but how does this involve us?" I asked.

"Well if you guys don't mind..." Zayn was saying until Liam cut him off.

" if we don't mind what?"

" well, you know that new song were working on?" Zayn said shy like.

" the love song?" I questioned.

" yeah, do you mind if I sing it to her, before it comes out?" Zayn asked unsure.

"I'm not sure Zayn, we can't just unleash it before it comes out, it won't be as popular If everyone know it already!" Niall said speaking up.

"I guess your right" Zayn said, again with his thinking face on.

Sophia's POV***********

I was in the guest room.

I was on my phone changing my back ground. It was a picture of me and Zayn. He was pressing his cheack against mine, and smiling with me.

"Ugh! I'm so angry" I said to myself.

Why would he do that. I love him. Well, loved him.

I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Zayn s POV************

"I'm ganna try and go talk to her" I told everyone.

I got up and walked to her room.

"Sophia?" I said knocking on the door.

She wasnt there.

I saw her phone on the bed, and picked it up, i saw here background.

It was me and her. I smiled. Then I took it with me, into the kitchen, where i found Sophia.

"Sophia?" I questioned as she turned around.

"What do you want?!" She questioned sarcasticly.

"I'm-I'm sorry Sophia! I was confused and I was just depressed, just please forgive me!"I pleaded.

"Well, I'm sorry Zayn, sorry that you blew your chances!" She yelped, walking out.

I stopped her, and showed her the pic of us on her phone.

"What are you doing with my pho-"

" do you remember this day Sophia?! Do you? Because I do. This was the best day of my life Sophia! And I spent it with you! I want this again Sophia. Listen, people make mistakes and we learn from them! I've learned my lesson! Please forgive me! Please! i love you!" I begged.

" yeah well Zayn, I loved you. But now all those words and memories are just lessons to me now. They are lessons to live by. Now I vow to myself never to fall in love with someone. Because, because one day, whether you expect it or not, someone's ganna get hurt, and I never want to go through that again Zayn!" She said with a tear escaping her eye.

She a walked back into her room.

I shook my head.

"This is not over" I said walking towards the door.

I barged into the room.

"Zayn! Get out!" She said with more tears appearing.

I ignored her. I pushed her on the bed and kissed.

"Zayn get off of me!" She said attempting to pull me off, but her little petite body was no match for me.

A moan escaped her mouth. I smirked between a kiss.

She kissed me back harder, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her legs were tangled around my torso.

You know what they did! [:) ;D


Authors Note!!!!

Sorry guys if it took a while to update!!!{:((

I've been busy with friends, drama, school, and all that crazy stuff!!;)) hope you understand!!!

Love you guys!!!

Shout out to Sophia Caroline and Alexa Ray!!;))) love ya guys! Even though in some ways your crazier than me...... (Alexa[:) )


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