15 ✦ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑙𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑟

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The following morning, Uncle Jared paid a man to fit bars on Crystal's window. He himself fitted a cat-flap on the library-cum-bedroom's door, so that small amounts of food could be pushed inside three times a day. They let Crystal out to use the bathroom morning and evening. Otherwise, she was locked in her room around the clock.

Three days later, the Hudsons were still showing no sign of relenting, and Crystal couldn't see any way out of her situation. She tried to utilise her time to her best as she read the books on her shelf.

She couldn't even pick the lock of her door as she was monitored closely by the Hudson siblings, who had nothing better to do.

But still, her mind just couldn't help but wander to her friends and Hogwarts, she kept remembering Dobby and his warning. Was is it a bluff? Maybe, someone sent him to mess with her, an enemy who hates her.

She only knew of one such person, Malfoy but there could be others waiting for her to be disposed off from the Magic World.

One of those namely Lennox family who currently resided in her Calisto Mansion and running-- or to be precise ruining all the Calistos' business and the glory of the generations old name in mud.

The cat-flap rattled and Aunt Jasmine's hand appeared, pushing a bowl of canned soup into the room. Crystal wasn't much hungry, she already had some chocolates and candies from Sam that she hid in her room to satiate her hunger. But how much far could she live on them, she was running out of it too.

Crystal seized the can. The soup was stone-cold, she only had so much to calm the hunger again and rest of it, which was more than half went to Cash's empty food tray. He ruffled his feathers and gave her a look of deep disgust.

"It's no good turning your beak up at it -- that's all we've got," said Crystal grimly, "I'll give you something sweet for the good taste at last, alright?" She wondered if birds could actually taste sweet or was it just a waste.

Putting the empty bowl back on the floor next to the cat-flap, Crystal took a moment to watch the sun sinking behind the bars on the window and wondered what was going to happen to her. She shook her head and pushed out her depressing thoughts by keeping herself busy on the computer.

The night dived deeper into the darkness but Crystal didn't show any plans to rest anytime soon. The clicking and clacking sound of the keyboard and mouse, echoed in the eerie library stacked only with the books, old and new.

But why was she hearing a low rumbling sound of car engine close to her window? Crystal wondered.

She turned to take a look outside and clapped her hands on her mouth as she almost let out a scream of horror, someone goggling at her through the bars.

The person outside her window was none other than Harry Potter with Ron, peering from behind him and George and Fred Weasley all in a-- wait. . . a flying car? FLYING CAR! An old, turquoise colored Ford Anglia was floating in midair!

"Woah Woah Woahhh... have they already developed the flying car?" said Crystal in a shock at the same time admiring the car as she clutched the window bars, "I heard they proposed the idea just last year!"

"Wow, I'm amazed," said Harry, from the other side, "No hello, no hi, no good to see you again, no I missed you, but the car? I don't know why I'm feeling hurt. . ."

"Harry! Mind you, It was me here who didn't scream and woke up the whole world when you were peeking through my window like a creep, if it were any other girl. . ."

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