Chapter 1 Benjamin: Ten years earlier ...

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Rome, March 2007. In the distance one day is about to end, dusk is falling over the eternal city, with a thousand shades: red, yellow, orange and accompanied by a few scattered clouds to the right and left...
"Who knows if it's raining tonight..." I think;  I'm Benjamin Baldo, I'm seventy-five, thirteen grandchildren and five children: three boys and two girls.
I have a degree in mathematics and I have a major in quantum chemistry from one of the most prestigious American universities.
My greatest boast of all my experiments is that of having created the time machine to which I have dedicated most of my life, sometimes leaving out even the affections dear to me and spending money, without telling my wife;  I must say, however, that I am very proud of it and all my efforts have not been in vain.
Just think... Traveling through time and getting to know our ancestors and the historical era in which they lived...
Everyone thinks I'm a bit crazy and they don't believe me and I'll tell you, apparently I look like it, but I'm sure and I strongly believe in the potential of this medium.
I am very ill and therefore in my will, I decide to leave home and inventions to my favorite granddaughter, Marta.
I am tall, thin, have a fairly manicured mustache and hair similar to Einstein's.
My wife passed away after a long agony due to an incurable disease and perhaps I will soon join her.

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