Chapter 2 Ten years later...

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What would you do if cleaning the attic of the house bequeathed by your maternal grandfather, a scientist and you would find a time machine created by him under a large cloth to be able to keep it sheltered from dust?  Would you look for instructions to understand how it works in some drawer?
Would you get on it, select a date and go back in time driven by curiosity like Marta did, or would you pretend you have never seen anything and would not talk about it with who you know?
Our protagonist is a girl with straight red hair, skin of the same whiteness of milk and on her face framed by black-rimmed glasses and large emerald green eyes, she has freckles ranging from cheekbones to French nose;  she often wears high-necked wool sweaters and blouses, a scarf she never separates from, blue jeans and comfortable converse;  she has an introverted character.  She doesn't have many friends, but those few can be considered real and with them, she has decided to share the secret.
Geronimo, a young writer with an olive complexion, volcanic character, eyes and hair as black as coal, and Iris, a personal trainer that everyone would like as a wife, are not only his childhood friends, but also his closest friends.
They know of the discovery made by Marta, but they do not support the idea that she can go back to the past;  despite this our protagonist has decided to try everything and for everything, even at the cost of looking ridiculous.
"My grandfather, along with the contraption, took care to also leave a note attached to me."
"He shows..." Geronimo says, tearing the piece of paper from her hands and begins to read:
"When (perhaps) you read this note I will no longer be there; this is the legacy I wanted to leave you, because you are my favorite granddaughter and I know you will understand, make good use of it ..."
Ps. The instructions are in the second desk drawer.
I want you a world of good, never forget it,
Your grandpa.
"Hey dwarf, give me that note back." Martha says that she is about to cry.
"Well, he's got some ... We're going."
She asserts Iris noticing her friend's reaction: "Come on Nino," so he calls himself Geronimo, "come on... Hi Marta."
Finally alone I start to reflect leaning on the desk and with his eyes turned to the machine.
"Oh well, let's try..." I enter and select the date...
Thus begins our adventure...

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