Chapter 5 New policy is born (introduction)

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Now, my dear friend who are reading this book, in order to entertain you without getting bored with every detail of my long journey, I have chosen to give you some more information about this civilization.
The monarchy ends with the last king, Tarquinio the Superb and in 509 BC.  C., the Republic takes over.
The various state bodies that make it up are:
The consuls, elected by the citizens, do not remain in office for more than a year and command the army and monitor the implementation of the laws.
The magistrate's court and censorship:
the first has the task of administering justice while the second carries out the task of taking a census, that is, of evaluating the income and checking the morality of citizens.
But the most important is the Senate.  It deals with foreign and domestic policy.
The sessions take place in the Curia and the speeches have no time limits.
Senators remain in office for life and are mostly elderly who have held political positions in the past.
Well, finally after a long time I understood in what age of ancient Roman history I happened.  It's a relief, but I think I was wrong;  I wanted to go a few decades behind, but oh well now it's done ...

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