Chapter 8 In the company of Caesar

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We finally arrived in front of the house of the great leader Gaius Julius Caesar.
The house is truly impressive.
A handmaid comes to meet me: "Who do you want?"
"Is your master at home?", I reply looking over his shoulder.
He doesn't have time to reply that a tall man with a sturdy build immediately comes out the door;
he is about fifty years old, has a face marked by wrinkles, olive skin, thin lips, a pronounced nose and short hair that looks like threads of silver.
For clothes he has a golden armor over a short-sleeved shirt and there are engraved figures;  I don't know what they stand for.
At his feet he wears the typical sandals and has a purple-red cloak behind his back, supported by pins and huge medallions he has on the sides of his shoulders.
"Ave Caesar!"  I begin to make a good impression.
"Hello, do you want?"
"I came here for the role of scribe."
"Ah, well, well ... You must report in detail everything I have done in my life and what I have said to you, in order to make me appear in the eyes of all as a god."
"Sure, as you wish."  and sitting down, I begin.
Gaius Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC.  from a noble Roman family.
He obtains great successes as proconsul In Gaul thanks to military campaigns (of which he also tells in his book "De bello Gallico") and also deals with expeditions to Britain (now England).
Back in Rome, he was nominated by the senate as "consul for life", in 46 BC.  and starts a process that must give life to a second monarchy but this is hindered by the republicans, who see Caesar as a threat despite the consent of the population.
Precisely for this reason, a group of conspirators decided to make a conspiracy against him;  Caesar dies on March 15, 44 BC, assassinated at the hands of Cassius and Brutus, his adopted son of him.
Of course, I added this part when I got home, also because it would have been a problem if I had told Caesar what would happen to him, I would have ruined the space-time line and the trends of events would have been different.
We decide to go out and take a breath of fresh air and visit Ancient Rome in all its splendor.
It is a warm spring day with a clear sky.
We decide to go to the theater to see a gladiator show;
He tells me that in addition to the gladiators, you can also see naval battles, the hunting of wild animals, the fight between beasts and chariot and chariot races.
"And what happens in your age instead?"  he asks me...
"Well it's a bit complex since the time frame between us is huge. I can tell you that, man was able to go to the moon, he created machines like this," I take my cell phone now empty and devoid of signal, "he created all kinds of machines to help."
He listens to me interested.
"Like your means of transport, they are different from ours. They don't carry animals, but motorized cars and they are also very polluting but… there are also bikes for example that are ecological."
"And what did you show me? W-what is it?"  He asks curiously;
"This is a telephone. It is used to communicate with those far away from you, but now it doesn't work."
"So are you telling me that my Rome has changed?"
I assert.
"A lot. The whole world has changed ..."
"Look ... I'm leaving you with this."
I give him the memories of him.
"No no ... keep them, you will need them."
Well, actually he's right ... I need these precious notes for the articles.
I open and see a dedication of him in Latin;  "when did he write it?"  It doesn't matter, I feel very lucky to have her and also very excited.
"Thank you, you know, but now I have to go home, it's late."
"Let me accompany you ..."
Coming home with the great leader was an unforgettable experience.
"Who knows ... maybe one of these days, I'll come and see you."  He says laughing and showing perfect teeth.
"Goodnight girl from the future ... it was a pleasure to meet you."
"My pleasure."  and greet him with a kind of half bow.

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