Chapter 15 We go back home

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Now I just want to go home;
i'm tired of living here and i don't even know how much time has passed.
I am in my apartment and I notice that the time machine has just appeared in the room.
I open the tank;
"I should make it home, it's more than half this material," I think, pulling out the strange wrapper.
I enter and select the date:
It was a great experience to meet the great characters of history and make new friends, but I certainly no longer try to alter time and the course of events.  Besides being too risky, I don't feel like it anymore.
But I certainly carry within me who I met and what they taught me, making me grow as a person.
As soon as I press the "confirm" button, I feel sucked into a vortex and suddenly, a thud.
"I must have arrived."  ,I think.
I open the door that has a handle similar to that of a safe or the rudder of a ship and go out.
I put my cell phone in charge and I turn on the black PC that I have on the bed and I look at the date: April 20, 2017. "Oh my! I've been out for a month! Who knows what the others thought."
I open my e-mail and see numerous e-mails from my boss and among them my dismissal letter.
I sigh: "Well, it can't get worse than that; I'm forced to look for a new job, maybe more paid..."
I hear messages from my mother and friends on the answering machine and then I decide to connect on Google to write on the blog, relax and search for a phrase that struck me;
"Rome, caput mundi regit orbis frena rotundi", a phrase from the Latin poet Marco Anneo Lucano (whom I didn't have time to meet, I apologize in advance to you, reader), or << Rome, capital of the world, holds the reins of 'orbe round >>;
the phrase is connected to the fact of the great extension reached by the Roman Empire.
"I have to say I'm pretty megalomaniac", I think swinging in my chair and holding my hand to my chin and smiling at my exit.
Now everything is clearer to me and I understand the succession of events.
How nice to be back in reality, in my small house, but some questions arise spontaneously and I decided to end my article like this and asking you too ...
Why did things have to go a certain way?  In order to favor the evolution and continuity of the human species?
Why did the ancient peoples become extinct?
Would you have liked to live in antiquity?
And that's why I decided to title this article: "Rome: Living Two Thousand Years BC."

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