*Alexia's POV*
"JACK! ALEX! You guys better not be doing anything disgusting, because I'm going to come in." Mark warned, which caused Jack and I to both wake up. "Dad, we're just sleeping jeez." he told Mark with his eyes still closed. "I'm just making sure, because I'd really not rather walk in on you guys kissing...Maybe." Mark replied.
"You're so embarrassing dad! Please stop." Jack told Mark before throwing a pillow at him. "Okay, okay, I promise. Are you guys dating?" Mark asked, now clearly annoying Jack on purpose. The question Mark asked was starting to settle in. Jack asked me out last night, somewhat, so that means we are dating. I smiled and blushed.
"DAD!" Jack yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "SON!" Mark yelled back. "WHAT?!" "Your mom made breakfast, come eat. The both of you." Mark told us before laughing and exiting the room. Jack muttered profanities under his breath while rubbing his eyes. "What was that?" Mark asked peeking his head out from the side of the door frame. "Nothing dad." Jack replied in an annoyed tone. "That's what I thought."
Jack got out of bed and closed his bedroom door. "Now I can officially say good morning to the most beautiful girl in the world." he said while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug. Every word and movement made the blush turn a darker color and my body get warmer.
I pulled out of his tight hug and looked him in the eyes. "We should get going downstairs before your dad starts giving us a lecture on how to have safe sex." I joked, proud of myself that I could actually be funny. "Alright, you should change first though, just incase. I mean of course I like what you're wearing and think you should wear it more often, but the rents are kind of crazy." Jack said causing me to blush as I got some old basketball shorts from Jack, while he grabbed my clothes from last night to take downstairs to get washed.
"Jack." I pulled on his hand before he exited his room. "Yeah?" he asked turning around with a confused expression that made him look even cuter. "We're, you know...Boyfriend and girlfriend right?" I asked heating up once again and there were definitely butterflies in my stomach. He pulled me closer and kissed me softly. "Did that answer your question babe?" he questioned. I nodded "yes" with a huge smile on face. "Good."
After getting changed I was about to walk downstairs when I heard all of them in a conversation. "So Jack, what's going on with you and Alex?" Mark asked in a excited tone. "Nothing dad, don't worry about it." Jack replied. "Jack, your father is just asking a simple question." Skye told him in a serious voice. "And I answered him. I don't want you guys to intervene between Alexia and I. I like her a lot and I'd rather not lose her too, because if I say anything I'm pretty sure dad's gonna tell Tom and guess who Tom is gonna tell? Ava." Jack explained to them.
"So... You guys are dating?" Mark asked with excitement in his voice.
"YES! Okay, Jesus Christ." Jack said with a frustrated tone.
"Aww my little Jacky has a girlfriend!" Skye replied. Now is my time to walk down.
"AND THERE SHE IS!" Mark squealed like a little girl. I couldn't help but blush even just at the thought of being known as Jack's girlfriend."You guys are so cute." Skye said with a huge smile on her face. "Not as cute as your mom and I though." Mark told us right after Skye walked into the kitchen rolling her eyes before grabbing a pancake.
Jack and I ate chocolate chip pancakes and eggs for breakfast. We occasionally talked about what we were gonna do today. Maybe go see a movie? Or to the mall. We weren't sure.
"How about we go to the beach?" Jack suggested. I thought for a second, "I could use a nice tan." Jack smiled at me. His smile made me smile causing my face to burn. I felt myself starting to sweat out of nervousness.
"How about we make this a family trip?" Mark replied as he walked up to the table while chewing on a piece of bacon. "It's been ages since I've seen your mom in a bikini. She's got such a nice as"-"DAD!" Jack yelled cutting off his dad before I bursted out laughing.
Honestly, their family was so cool and I'd love to be a part of it. Through marriage that is!
"I'm just saying the truth." Mark said while Jack started making gagging noises."Anyways, today is family day at the beach featuring Alex." Mark said to us. I giggled. It still hasn't dawned on me that this is Mark fucking Hoppus. "Sounds like a Panic! At the disco song or something." I told him. "Hey that was good!" He told me before giving me a high five and walking to his room. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and smiled so wide.
"I guess my parents are joining us for our first date, but I really would love to take you out tonight." Jack told me as he stared into my eyes. He just had those gorgeous blue eyes and pink lips I stared at as he talked. If only I could kiss him. "I would love to join you tonight." I said to him before giving him a small smile.
I was so excited I was about to scream. At least inside my head I could. Jack and I are going to the beach then on a real date tonight! Finally, life is going better than ever.
Alright I know it's been foreverr!! I just need some fillers. I'm sorry this chapter is so short. I've been trying to work on another Brendon Urie story and I'm trying to remember the real plot for this story. I love you guys for being patient. Hopefully you'll like this. It's understandable if you don't. I'm sorry for my past works being so cringey! Love you😘 thank you for being so supportive

Even If She Falls (Jack Hoppus/Blink-182 fan fiction)
FanfictionAlexia (Alex) Spaulding finally moves with her mom and she ends up meeting her idols very cute son Jack Hoppus..But there is one problem. Ava DeLonge is dating Jack. Alexia meets a boy named Andrew causing Jack to get very jealous. During this crazy...