Chapter One ;; Fitting In.

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Summary ;;
Will doesn't find California fun or exciting but when his mother suggests Jane and Him go out for awhile he finds someone... someone who reminds him of someone.
The last time..

"What if you want to join another party?"
"Not possible."
Mike smiled at Will and Will returned the smile before walking away. He wanted to hug Mike so bad but he was to scared of even touching or getting close to him..

"Hey you ok?"
"Yea... I am."
"Will..." El was in front of the sleeping William. "Will!!" El shook Will aggressively and that was sure to wake up Will.

"What's wrong??" Will rubbed his eyes slowly , "We're here." Will shot his eyes open to his mom and brother getting out of the car, Will and El got out as well to see their house.

Sure it wasn't BIG but it was enough for will , He still missed the old Cabin , Hawkins , his friends but he missed one thing more than ever.


"Well? What do you think will!!" Jonathan was walking towards Will, Will looked up at Jonathan and looked back down.

"Hey , I know it's hard but I promise it'll be better here ok?" Jonathan patted Wills shoulder, Will didn't say or do anything in return he just stood quiet watching his mother and El take the things inside their new house. After awhile Will finally looked up at Jonathan to see that he wasn't even there anymore , He sighed and walked towards his mother to help them.. he wasn't sure if he would like it here but , he will try to like it here if he needs to.

Once the family got all the boxes in the house Joyce decided to let Jane and Will explore a bit around the block. Will didn't want to but he couldn't say no to his mom so he went , Jane on the other hand was pretty excited. Will loved Jane as a sister but he's a bit jealous that she was dating Mike but now , Will didn't care as much. Will and Jane walked to the front door once they got outside it was a bit hot but not that hot to make them die.

"Will , Where do you want to go?" Jane improved on her speaking skills because Will taught her during the long drive and he was proud of himself and her. "Well.. I'm sure sure.." Will chuckled "Well , While we were arriving I saw a park." Will eyes lit up while a little kid, Will enjoys the Park , it makes him feel ok and relaxed. But he doesn't enjoy it when toddler cry .. it gets him a bit annoyed but he doesn't mind.

"Sure!!" Will smiled while Jane Smiled as well while grabbing Wills hand to drag him. After awhile they arrived and they played on the playground like 2 little kids , like they never had trauma in their life before, like it was the last day that they would see each other, Will suggested they go the swings and Jane agreed. While they were walking to the swings there was a tall boy with curly hair, sharp cheekbones and a jawline that was majestic. Will didn't mind much but he noticed the boy looked like Mike but more.... good looking is what he would say.

The boy was on the swing by himself and he was smoking. Jane didn't like the smell of cigarettes so she made a face of disgust , Will giggled a bit and drags Jane to the set of swings next to the boy , Will sat in the one next to the boy since Jane didn't like the smell and Will was used to it since his mother smoked sometimes , Will and Jane were talking about school and making new friends.

They had a nice chat until Jane noticed the boy next to Will was staring at him. Will noticed that Jane was looking at something so he turned around to see the big staring at him. His eyes widen and the Boy smirked as he winked at Will, Will was very uncomfortable but he also blushed a bit at the way The boy was staring at him, Jane got up and dragged Will away from him.

"What's wrong El?" Jane looked at him "I knew you were uncomfortable Will." Will smiled at the thought of El caring about him, he suddenly thought of Mike , how he used to care so much about him.. he wanted to cry but he was in public so he didn't even bother to cry.

"Thanks El," El nodded "He is weird." El looked back the boy on the swing to find him looking at them. Will laughed a bit "C'mon , I have some money we can go get something to eat." Jane turned back to Will and smiled as she skipped away.

Will smiled a bit and as soon as he was about to walk away someone grabbed his wrist , his eyes widen and looked behind him to see the boy who looked like Mike smiling a bit. "Uhm... mind if you like.. let go?" Will tried taking back his wrist but the boy was rather to strong. Will stared at the boy until he spoke up "Ah, I'm sorry." His accent was deep , he definitely wasn't from here , the boy let go and smirked at Will "Well uhm.. Bye?" Will ran away blushing.

Once Will caught up with El he realized he was no Where near the park anymore , he then saw a truck of what seems to be ... Mexican food? Will never tried it before , neither El so they decided to buy 2 bean tacos and a burrito, once they ordered the man in the truck asked them something. "Aren't you Jonathans little brother?" The man had the longest hair they've both seen , "Um.. yes I am." Will never was this scared , but a total stranger asked him if he was his brothers younger brother. "Sweet dude , I'm Argyle , I'm friends with your brother lil man."

Will was confused and Jane was giggling a bit , they both went back home since it was pretty late , El was talking non stop on the way home while Will was thinking about the boy they saw earlier at the park.. "Will ? Are you ok? Your pink." El poked Will on the cheeks and laughed "Yea I'm fine!" Will smiled and they arrived home and once they knocked on the door Joyce came running to the door.

"Are you ok? Your late!!" Will sighed , he didn't like it when his mother was like this.. he felt like he couldn't take care of himself or anything.. he loves his mother of course! He adored her. "Yes mom we're fine." Will smiled as well as Jane "Good.. I see you already have your dinner set up." Joyce noticed the bag "yea ! We got tacos and a burrito." Joyce smiled at Jane , "Oh.. um.. where's Jonathan?" Will asked "He's out with someone called.. Arg- Argyle?" Will nodded not knowing what to say.

The Byers was sitting at the table eating, Once they were done they were full "Ok.. We are definitely getting this for dinner some times." Will suggested "Yea! This was amazing!!" Joyce smiled brightly at her two kids. "I also need to tell you something.." Will and El looked at Joyce "Your going to school tomorrow." Both of their widen, El was excited but on the other hand Will wasn't.. yea sure he's gonna have a fresh start.. no more zombie boy , fag or fairy names but he just didn't want to.

"That's ... great." Will sighed , Joyce noticed "It's ok will... El will be there with you." She slightly smiled , Will smiled back "May I be excused?" Joyce nodded and Will left off to his room , his new room was big but not that big , it was enough for Will , there he saw boxes all over his room but he was to tired to clean right now so he just went to bed.

He really .

Really didn't want to go to school tomorrow.
1,345 total of words :)

The next chapter will be in Boris view and wills view , if that makes sense??? But I really hope you like this new story so far.

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