Chapter Four ;; Thank you.

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Summary ;;
Will and Boris get High and that makes Will spills stuff he wasn't supposed to say.

Tw?? And I will make a scene according to the lyrics of Alex G- Mary !!
Day two , final.

After Yesterday Will trusted Boris more , He finally was happy that he let all those hard feelings out ever since last year. But today Boris had a plan , he wanted to have fun before they go to school tomorrow. His plan is probably a bad one but who cares? He wants to live his life.

Will was currently sleeping , no not with Boris . He was sleeping on the couch after fighting with Boris of who will sleep on the bed and who will sleep on the Bed , Boris's dad wasn't home when they came back anyways so they watched some tv before they went to bed.

Unlike Will Boris was awake , he was kinda just watching Will sleep.. not staring but studying his face , features.. everything about Will and how happy Will made him in so long ever since his Theo left him to go to new york, he sighed and just got up to try and go eat something since he ate nothing yet.

Boris was checking out his Empty fridge , he groaned in annoyance. There was only bread , sugar , salt, eggs , ketchup and bottles of beer, he was still looking for food until he heard light foot steps. He turned his head to see his sweet boy , such a sight for sore eyes you could say.

"Hey Boris." Will rubbed his eye lightly "Morning Willie!" Will noticed the new pet name , Willie. He guessed it was William and Sweetie combined. He chuckled "what time is it?" Will looked around "Ehm... Not sure." Boris said awkwardly, he closed the fridge hard. He mumbled something in a different language, Will could tell he was mad about something.

"I'm kinda hungry.. got something to eat?" Boris looked up to the still half tired Will , "Sorry Willie but no." Boris smiled weakly at Will , Will knew Boris didn't have the best house hold. He felt bad and just checked the fridge for himself, "See? There's nothing Willie." Will turned to the angry Boris and looked at the fridge once again. Then he saw eggs , the salt , bread and ketchup, Will got an idea and got all the supplies he needed.

"What are you doing Sweet boy?" Will got a pan and some oil and looked at Boris who was clearly confused , "I'm gonna cook?" Will rolled his eyes and laughed a bit , "you can cook?!" Will was a bit offended at that question. "Well of course I can!" Will learned from his mother , he wasn't the best but he knew how to cook some things , like a egg sandwich.

Will started the oven and sprayed some oil on the pan and let it on the fire to start heating up like he does the eggs. Boris watched Will move around the kitchen, he was impressed.. "need help?" Boris smiled widely "no." Will simply said , Boris's smile washed away fast "you sure?" Will dumped the eggs on the pan and it boiled loudly. "Yes Boris, how about you go sit and wait for your food ok?" Will smiled softly at Boris, Boris obeyed and smiled before walking back to the couch to wait for his food.

Will was all over the kitchen trying to make the best egg sandwich for Boris. He wouldn't admit it but he always wanted to impress Boris when he was around, it was the same feeling he had when he was with Mike.. he forgot about Mike ever since he met Boris , yea sure they look the same but he didn't care about that, he loved everything about him.

He got a toaster and put in two slices of bread and made it to level 2 so it wouldn't be burned but Crunchy , he then grabbed a fork and moved the eggs to make them scrambled. Boris could smell it all the way back in the Living room, He was happy that Will was going to cook for him.

Will was finally done with the almost ready Sandwich on the plate in front of him, he put a bit of ketchup on the eggs and put the crunchy toast on top to make a sandwich , he took the plate carefully and walked towards the Boris sitting on the floor watching TV like a little kid. Will smiled softly before sitting next to Boris to put down the plate next to him, Boris looked next to Will and saw the egg sandwich next to him , it looked good and still hot.

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