Chapter 26

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●Sams POV●

I feel too embarrassed to tell him so I just ran out. I walked back their house and crashed on Kaylan's bed.

*Next Morning*

I woke up with a small headache. I got up and saw Myles on the floor and Kaylan laying on the opposite side of the room. I chuckled and walked out of the room. I saw Cam pasted out leaning against the wall. I just walked pasted him and saw Kalin and Jay cuddled on the couch. At least I find someone peaceful. I got the Captain Crunch, a bowl, and the carton of milk. I turned around and set the bowl down. Cam came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He most likely didn't remember at all about last night. "Good morning babe" he said kissing my neck. "Hey" I said. He kissed me and i didnt kiss back. "Uh what's wrong?" He said. I shook my head and continued to eat my cereal. He pulled the bowl away and look me in the eyes. "What wrong" he said. "You dont remember anything from last night?" I asked and he shook his head. "Did I cheat on you!" He said. "No! No you didn't" I said. "Oh then what happened?" He said sitting down across from me. "Last night you tried to have sex with me" I said looking down. "I'm sorry I was drunk and i know its too early in our relationship" he said. "It's not only that it's too early in the relationship its just its-" "It's just what?!" He cut me off and yelled. I stared at him because he scared me. "I'm I'm sorry baby" he said and I ran out the door. I honestly didn't know where i was going but who cares. I ran to wherever I could. Soon enough I found myself under the pier at the beach we were at yesterday. I just sat there leaning against the pier pole thing. I knew he didn't mean to yell but it just bothered me still. I'm too embarrassed to tell him about why I put off having sex. He's probably gonna feel different about me and give me pity like everyone else has.

●Cam's POV●

After she ran out i tried going after her but she was really fast. I jumped in my car and drove everywhere looking for her. It's been 11 hours of driving around. It's about 10 or 11 pm and i couldn't find her anywhere. I sat on the pier with the legs dangling from it. I heard small sobs fron underneath. I laid on my stomach and saw it was Sam. I quickly jumped down and ran over to her. I pulled her into a tight hug like I never wanted to let her go. "It's ok Sam I'm here" I said rubbing her back. "I'm sorry Cam" she sobbed into my shirt. "Shh its ok" I said trying to calm her down. "Tell me what's really going on" I said rocking her back and fourth. She pulled away and wiped her face. "Ok so for me growing up my dad always beat my mom and sexually assaulted her. One day he beat me really bad and raped me i was about 13... I've never told anyone so your the first person. I'm just scared" she said while crying. "They put him to death sentence because he killed my mom" she finsihed. I hugged her tighter while she cried more. What kind of sick person does that! Wait so she's not a virgin.. awkward cause I am... "It's gonna be ok. I don't expect you to be ready for this. That would be a really big step for you. Just trust me that I would never EVER hurt you. I really like you alot. But when you are ready I'll be here." I said and she smiled. "Thank you Cam this means alot to me since you are the only one I've told" she said a rend I wiped away her tears. "No problem princess" I said then pecked her lips. "Come on let's go back" I said and helped her stand up. "But i do remember parts of last night like dancing" I said smirking and she laughed. We got into the car and headed back to the house.

A/N- Guys sorry it's short tomorrow or whenever I can I'll try to update another chapter. But there's the reason why Sam won't have sex with Cam. Also can someone hmu on kik I'm bored af- kaylan_parrish24 all of my friends are asleep XD

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