13. I hate you

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To say Soka is hungover would be a hopeless understatement. She wakes up with a throbbing head ache, and she immediately runs into the bathroom and keels over the toilet. Her retching wakes up the whole house. Mike is the first one to come out and look into the bathroom.

"Drink a little too much last night?" He asks with a smirk, watching the poor girl dry heave. She just flips him off. He laughs and turns away, giving Calum a look now that he's coming to investigate too.

"Not it." Calum calls out, turning right back to Mike when he sees the scene.

"Thanks guys." Soka croaks out, her face still in the toilet.

"What the hell is that sound?" Luke comes out rubbing his eyes. "Fucking christ."

"Can the whole house not watch me vomit?" She asks desperately.

"It's not the whole house Ashton isn't-"

"What the fuck is the ruckus?" Ashton interrupts Mike, walking up to the scene with the others.

"Oh my god will you all go away?" She begs, her head still in the toilet.

"I don't know I'm kinda enjoying this." Luke smirks, watching the girl heave again.

"Same." The three others agree at once, making everyone laugh but her.

After she lets out another wave of her insides, Soka falls onto her side hugging her knees. She's never felt like this before, and it might be one of the worst feelings she has ever experienced.

"Clean up your mess, bud." Luke pats Ashton on the shoulder and goes downstairs. Mike and Calum follow him, leaving Ashton to help Soka up off the floor.

"You didn't tell me I'd feel like this." She groans as Ashton pulls at her arms.

"You need to eat toast or something. Come on." He finally pulls her up, leading her downstairs to find a way to get anything into her stomach.

The three other guys are sitting at the kitchen counter when they get down there, a full breakfast already being served. The smell of the food makes Soka want to throw up again, but she manages to keep it in. Ashton goes to put bread in the toaster while she grabs a blanket off the couch. She settles into the open seat next to Luke.

"Is this punishment enough?" She asks him, a look of pure agony on her face. He picks up a piece of bacon and waves it under her nose, the girl's eyes bulging out of her head. She runs for the trash and throws up one last time.

"Yeah we'll call it even now." Luke smirks at her when she comes back up for air.

"Stop making her sick." Ashton says, putting a plate with a few pieces of toast in front of Soka after she sits back down. She wraps the blanket around herself until only her face is visible.

"You made her sick by buying her twenty drinks last night." Luke says, shooting Ashton a look. He really shouldn't try him right now.

Soka sits quietly and nibbles on her toast. She's scared that it's going to come right back up, but after keeping the first piece down she feels more confident eating the second. Luke takes the third piece off her plate and eats it for himself.

"Dick." Soka mumbles.

"Tax." He says in between bites. She furrows her eyebrows at the boy.

"Tax for what?" She asks.

"Tax for living in my house and being a pain in my ass." He takes another bite of it right in front of her face.

"If you ever don't want the extra mouth to feed just let me know." She sends him a playful but loaded smile. He shakes his head at her and throws half of the toast back onto her plate. She slowly reaches a hand back out from under the blanket. Luke's eyes follow it out of the corner of his eye as she picks up his half eaten piece.

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