24. She's my girlfriend

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All Soka wants to do is finish the movies. Luke has locked himself in his office for four days, only leaving to use the bathroom and eat. She regrets having a reaction at all to the Amelia thing. Maybe if she kept it to herself this blowup wouldn't have happened. The days aren't dragging nearly as much now that they have entertainment in the living room, but it's hard to have fun when you're dying on the inside.

"What's for dinner?" Mike nods at Calum who is just coming back from the kitchen. The chef is in there cooking right now, and all of them are starving.

"I don't know, some kind of pasta." Calum takes his seat back on the couch and gets back into the movie.

They only get about two peaceful seconds before the front door is ripped open. Calum jumps back up and goes to see who the hell is barging in, and as soon as he sees Amelia he regrets getting up to check.

"Where is he?" She shouts down the hall, getting everyone's attention. Soka knows it's her, and it makes her blood immediately boil.

"Office." Calum waves her off and goes back for the living room. Everyone has stale faces when he walks in. "Everyone start locking that door." He mumbles, sick and tired of her psycho ass walking in like she owns the place.

Soka sits disturbingly still. She wants her gone. The fact that she's in the house is grossing her out more than anything. She hears loud footsteps coming down the hall and sees Luke coming into the living room.

"Ash. It's cracked, you need to find something new." Luke avoids looking at Soka and focuses on the business. Amelia's sculpture is cracked, and it took her days to notice until her guys finally unboxed it fully.

"I'll look. Tell her to fucking chill out." Ashton says, annoyance clear in his voice. He pretty much hates her too, even if it's not her fault Luke decided to do what he did.

"I'm not going to chill the fuck out Ash. That shit was supposed to be in perfect condition. I'm out ten thousand credits now!" Amelia comes blazing around the corner, shouting at Ashton and being her usual bitchy self.

"You know the risks of shipping. You agreed to it, that's your liability not ours." Ashton gets up and defends himself. The first rule of smuggling, it's never the smuggler's fault when something goes uncontrollably wrong. The customers all sign up for the risk.

"Get your shit together guys. I don't know what's been going on but this is getting ridiculous." Just when Amelia goes to walk away she notices Soka sitting next to Ashton. It clicks that the girl is still here. "If you're going to be around now I'll introduce myself. Amelia." She stretches a hand out, and even if Soka didn't hate her already she'd still be confused by her naturally rude attitude.

Soka looks at Luke, who mind you is now on the verge of throwing up. His eyes flicker between the two women, hoping that Soka just shakes her hand and shuts up.

"Soka." She introduces herself quietly, the feeling of holding Amelia's hand making her nauseous. Luke lets out a sharp breath when it goes over without incident. Good girl.

"You're really pretty you know that? We should go to After Shock sometime." Amelia's mood swing catches Soka by surprise. One minute she's yelling at the guys and the next she's getting all buddy buddy with her.

"She doesn't do clubbing." Luke's too pissed off to bite his tongue. He doesn't want Soka anywhere near her, and he was worried Soka would agree just to get her to leave.

"How the fuck would you know that?" Amelia turns and gives Luke a look. She doesn't realize he's being serious, she just thought he said it to be sarcastic. "We'll plan a night out." She turns back to Soka and notices the girl has to pry her eyes away from behind where she's standing in front of her.

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