16. Sharpshooter

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Everyone likes this version of Luke a whole lot better. He's been less angry and a whole lot less up tight. They all know why, but as soon as they mention it he gets defensive.

He's in denial. That's the simplest way to put it.

Soka is also in denial, but it's harder for her to deny the tingly feeling in her stomach when Luke is around her. She's a lot more tuned in to her emotions than Luke is. While she feels herself developing a crush, he convinces himself he's just gone without sex for too long.

She still doesn't understand why on Earth her stupid little heart chose him. Of all people, she's grown attached to the one that's not afraid to murder someone for breathing the wrong way.

The girl does do a better job at hiding it though. Luke jumps straight to being defensive, she just brushes it off. She's more embarrassed than anything. She's spent her whole life educating herself just to be dumb enough to crush on a man with no moral compass and a whole lot of anger issues.


Luke sits in his office talking to his guys over the radio. Chatter has resurfaced about the mystery plot to kill him, and he's throwing himself into the investigation as a distraction.

"What's the news?" Calum asks his boss as he and the other guys walk into his office. Luke called them in to discuss their next move.

"We're moving in on them." Luke starts, earning a small celebration from Mike who's been itching for action. "Skylar has a safe house downtown. He's been hiding right under us the whole time."

"You need better spies." Ashton jokes.

"I need better men. We're running drills all day. I need you guys to know the plan like the back of your hands." Luke looks between the three of them, lingering on Ashton to make sure he gets the message. He isn't sitting this one out. "We head out in fifteen."

Luke dismisses them, but he calls Ashton to stay back.

"Can you do this?" He asks, being a lot more considerate of Ashton's distaste for violence than he's ever been before.

"The fact that you're asking makes me want to try." Ashton smiles weakly at him. He still has his reservations, but following a leader who acts like he gives a shit feels a whole lot better. Luke nods, and Ashton heads for the door.

"Send Soka in." Luke stops the boy one last time, earning a nod from him.

The girl limps into the office a few minutes later. Her ankle has mostly healed, but she's still working on the walking part. She plops down into the seat across from Luke.

"Do you want to come with us today?" He asks, receiving a jaw dropping stare from the girl.

"Wait really? Where are you going?" She asks. She reels her excitement in and tries to act natural, but her stomach is doing flips.

"Training. You can hang out and watch." Luke watches as her eyes light up, the sight making him glad he asked.

"I mean yeah I guess that's fine." She plays it off. Luke's blank stare tells her that she isn't doing a very good job of it.

"Right. We're leaving in ten." He says, expecting her to know he's dismissing her. He forgets that the girl isn't one of his guys. They sit there staring at each other for a moment before she gets the hint.

"Oh right. Yeah I'll go." She says awkwardly, standing up from her seat and nearly tripping over the one next to it. She's not one to blush very often, but that exchange leaves her cheeks burning as she rushes out the door.


Soka finds herself bored out of her mind as she's going on the second hour of watching the four boys shoot things and hit each other. They spent the first little while going over the plans for their attack on Skylar, but she tuned them out completely during that part.

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