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chapter seventeen, betrayal

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, team USA hockey." Tibbles announced to the crowd. Everyone started applauding. Cass stood up in front with her brother, a nervous smile on her face.

Adam stood behind them, their pinky fingers interlocked. Adam knew that Cass never liked standing in front of a big crowd. Sure, she played in front of a big crowd but she always focused on the game. But when she's in a situation she's in right now, all she can see was a bunch of people, not the puck, ice or her stick.

"Bring the bear up here." Tibbles added, motioning for them to bring it. "This is Henry, the Hendrix bear."

People started taking pictures, the team posing for them. Cass could feel her head spin at all the flashing lights.

"Team USA, how does it feel competing on the international level here is Los Angeles?" A reporter asked them.

Goldberg, Jesse and Charlie spoke into the mic, sharing their opinions.

"Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favourite. Their coach had already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?" Another reporter asked.

Cass furrowed her eyebrows, looking up at Adam. He felt Cass's eyes looking at him so he looked down at her. He shrugged his shoulders, knowing she was confused by the look on her face.

"Umm, hard work. I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough but we're team USA and we're going all the way." Coach Bombay responded with such confidence.

"Team USA's going down." A voice spoke up from the crowd. The team's gaze go over to him with shock and everyone started mumbling. "That's where you're going. See you on the ice, Bombay."

The team gave each other confused glances as the team walked away. They all knew that it was the Icelands coach that said that, their whole team looked huge.

"Stansson from the NHL? Wolf, 'the dentist' Stansson is coaching?" Coach Bombay questioned. "You didn't tell me that."

"It's all right!"

"That guy's a dentist?" Ken asked.

"That was his nickname." Charlie corrected, Cass joining  in on the conversation as she leaned over to whisper to them.

"He played one year of pro and collected more teeth than goals." Cass said in disgust, sticking her tongue out. "I heard he even punched out his coach."

"I heard they ran him out of the league and the country." Julie chimed into the conversation.

"That's his team? Those guys are huge!" Ken exclaimed, with wide eyes as they walk away.

Cass and Adam trailed behind them, a calming silence.

"You think we can beat them?" Adam spoke up, breaking the silence. Cass glances up at him and then shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know but watch me be in the penalty box more than Dean and Fulton when we go against them. I'm gonna crush them." Cass said with confidence but then glares at Adam when he started laughing.

"They're like four times your height, Cass. Good luck with that." Adam joked, making Cass punch his shoulder.

From the front of the group, Maya watched them joke around with each other, a jealous look on her face.

Then, Maya walked towards the pair.

"Hey Adam!" She exclaims, ruining their moment. They stopped laughing and Cass gave her a look.

Adam gulps, glancing down at Cass before awkwardly responding.
"Hey Maya."

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later tonight?" Maya asked him, a hopeful look on her face. Cass tried to hold back a laugh when she asked.

"Uhh..sure." Adam responded hesitantly. It caught Cass off guard, looking at Adam.

"Perfect. See ya." Maya winks, walking away. Adam sighed. Cass glares up at him.

"You're not actually going, are you?" Cass asked him, raising an eyebrow. Adam shook his head and chuckled, making Cass giggle.

Cass, Julie, Dakota and Connie were all hanging out in the lobby. They were looking at magazines. They were snickering and laughing but then it died down when an unexpected pair came in.

Maya and Adam walked in, laughing. Cass could feel her heart drop when she saw the way Adam smiled down at Maya.

Julie, Dakota Connie looked at each other with a knowing look. Cass crumples the Magazine in her hands, slamming it down on the floor making a noise.

Adam and Maya jumped, turning around to look at who made the sound. Then, Adam's blue eyes goes wide when he saw Cass standing there, tears streaming down her face.

Maya on the other hand had a smirk on her face, flipping her hair. She wrapped her arms around Adam's arms, angering Cassidy even more.

Then, Cass stomped away, passing by them. She didnt forget to send them both a glare, shoving Adam's shoulder.

The blond boy felt guilty as he looked down at the ground with a visible frown on his face. He felt bad ghosting Maya and he knew it wasn't right so he decided to go.

Julie, Dakota and Connie stood up as soon as they heard the dorm door slam shut. Connie began running after Cassidy, sending a look of disappointment to Adam, Julie doing the same.

Dakota then grabs her sisters hand and dragged her away from Adam. Maya shrieked and snapped her arm away from Dakota's grip.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dakota yelled at her, her face red from anger.

"I was just hanging out with Adam?" She said innocently, a grin on her face.

"You wipe that grin off your face for else I'll do it for you." Dakota seethed, Maya's grin instantly falling. "You know they have a thing going on, you're ruining it!"

"So what? Adam doesn't like her anyways!" Maya screams back, Dakota lifting her arm up and slapping Maya across the face. Maya yelps and held her cheek.

"Have some respect Maya!" Dakota scolds her, walking away to go comfort Cassidy.

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