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chapter 46, diamond ring

ITS BEEN FIVE years since the Ducks have graduated high school. Life was looking really good for the team. Although they didn't talk a lot like they used to or even hang out, they still kept in touch with a few meet up's here and there.

Adam and Cassidy were on a big travelling trip, they walked on the shore when the sun was just setting. It was a perfect moment. Something that would be in Cassidy's dreams when she was 8 years old again.

The wind brushed through Cassidy's brown locks that was mixed with lighter highlights. Adam still had his hair in a middle part, but his hair was a little bit longer than it usual.

Adam glanced over to Cassidy, taking in her beauty like he always has. He felt a smile tug at his lips when he tucked a loose strand behind her ear and he fiddled with the small velvet box hidden in his pocket.

Today was the day he has been waiting for.

"I can feel your eyes staring at me." Cassidy spoke up, snapping Adam out of his daydream. When he looked at her, she was now staring right at him.

"Sorry, I can't help myself. You're too beautiful." Adam smirked at her, Cassidy turned red and she had a small smile on her face.

They stopped walking and they just stood by the water. The waves reaching their feet and the wet sand soaked the bottom of their feet. Cassidy stares into Adam's blue eyes, almost forgetting that it was his eyes and not the sky.

"Cass, there's been something on my mind." Adam suddenly spoke up, looking down at the sand. Cassidy's eyebrows furrowed in worry, feeling her heart sink.

Thoughts ran through her mind and she overthinks the whole sentence he had just said. Cassidy felt her smile drop and just stared at him in worry:

"What's wrong?" She asked him, placing a hand on his cheek and raising his head so he could look at her.

Adam didn't say anything, he just stared at Cassidy. She couldn't even read what emotion was in his eyes, it was unknown. It only made Cassidy even more worried.

The moment of silence passed by of them just staring at each other. Adam sighed and opened and closed the lid on the red velvet box.

"Cassidy Conway.." He finally spoke up, feeling his heart beat outside his chest. Cassidy continued to stare at him as he slowly leaned down on one knee.

"Adam, what are you doing? Your pants are going to get wet." Cassidy chuckled, oblivious on what was happening.

"Cassidy, I'm not sure what day works best for you, but I want to marry you." Adam looked up to her, watching as her pupils enlarged and her eyes go wide. "I can do Saturday when the oranges are fresh and the leaves are green. I could marry you Sunday when everyone is sleeping in, or even rushing. I could even marry you next year if you'd like, when we're a year older than we are right now. But as long as we're together, I will never leave your side. I will be there by your side with a proud smile on my face. There's nothing else in this world I would wish for except to marry you. To spend the rest of my life with you. To have a family with you. To grow old with you. To always be there with you. There's nothing in this world that would make me happier Cassidy. I want to tell everyone in this whole world that you're mine and I'm yours. I love you so much Cass, and I don't mean surface level love, I mean the type of love where you kiss, hug, go on dates. I didn't just fall in love with your face or the way your fingers traced every inch of me. I love your smile, the way it instantly puts my mind at ease. I love the way you laugh when Averman says something stupid. I love the way I understood you completely and the way you understood me and accepted me at my worst. I knew the words you spoke and the thoughts in your head. I know you Cass. You are bright. You are beautiful. Your soul is full of many colours. From red to green. Green to pink. You turned my life which was once grey into something so beautiful. You allowed me to see the beauty in things I once saw as nothing. You are the colour. You are the light."

"Adam, oh my gosh." She mumbled staring at him in shock as tears fell from her eyes and down her rose cheeks. Cassidy nodded her head. "I'll marry you. A thousand times yes."

Adam lets out a hoot as he stood up, wrapping his arms around his girl and spun her around. Cassidy just lets put laughs as she was spun around.

Cassidy had tears streaming down her face, her melodic laugh escaping her pink lips. She just knew that thirteen year old Cassidy would be screaming her lungs out to find out she was marrying Adam Banks. Or how ten year old Cassidy would stick her tongue in disgust and say 'we're marrying a hawk?'

Adam just stares up at her, a smile on his face at her reaction. He knew that that thirteen year old Adam would be freaking out and asking him a bunch of questions about the marriage. Or how ten year old Adam would just stare at him in shock, his jaw to the floor knowing he was marrying the most talented and, prettiest girl he has ever met.

Adam eventually puts her back onto her feet. Cassidy watches as she lent her hand out and Adam slipped on the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. It fit her perfectly and she smiles at it.

And just like that Cassidy Conway became Cassidy Banks.

ok i lied, one more chapter and
this book is completed. i want to
add the episode they were in from
game changers.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐂𝐄  , adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now