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chapter 27, flirt

"HEY, ADAM, CHECK it out. He knows Wayne Newton." Cass giggles, pointing at a picture beside her brother while Adam stood behind her.

"Charlie, man, this is not a good start to our year." Ken Wu said as he walked by Charlie.

"Don't worry, Kenny." Charlie spoke.

Cass spun around while holding Adam's hand, a smile on her face. "These preppies aren't gonna do anything to us."

"Hey, I'm a preppy." Adam spoke up with a pout on his face. Cass looked over to him and pinched his cheek.

"Yeah, you're the only one I tolerate though."

"Check it out." Charlie points out while leaning down in front of a glass. "Antsville."

The group made their way to look at the ants as the tiny creatures crawl around inside the glass. Cassidy stood behind the group, still holding onto Adam's hand. She hates insects. Even though ants couldn't do much to you, she still hated crawling things.

"You can learn a lot from ants," Dean Buckley spoke up, startling the group of teens. "These Brazilian fire ants can teach you a lot about successful, societal structure. You see, there's a queen in there, and the rest are dedicated worker ants. Everybody pulls their weight, nobody complains."

Cass's eyes widen at the sudden information they gave him. She was sure surprised because it was out of nowhere as well. She hears Adam chuckle at her reaction.

"There's harmony and growth. Same here at Eden hall, only you are the workers, the backbone." Dean continued with a cheery smile on his face.

"And you're the queen?" Russ smiled at his joking comment. The others sent each other looks and snickers. Dean Buckley just gave the boy a smile before giving a slight nod and walking away.

"Every Monday you'll have a practice quiz, every Wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every Friday you'll have an exam and anytime I feel like it you'll have a surprise quiz or exam." The teacher spoke up making everyone's eyes go wide and their mouth agape.

Cass looked over to Adam who sat at the opposite side of the room as her. He wanted to sit beside her but Julie, Dakota, Maya and Connie already had stolen the spots around her. She sent him a bored look and dragged her finger across her neck jokingly, a motion like someone was cutting her neck. Adam chuckles and shook his head at her.

"It's been said that the present is for the past like a award on the shoulders of a giant. If the dwarf holds his seat, he can, indeed, see further than the giant. But beware if the dwarf should grow careless..and forget his place." The teacher stood in front of Fulton's desk, setting the dwarf doll down on his desk before slamming a book on it. "History is a giant..get ready to ride."

Cass jumped at the sudden sound of the book, her eyes going wide. She stares at the man in front of Fulton's desk before the girls all look at each other with the same look. This was going to be a long year at Eden Hall.

Cassidy and Adam walked through the halls while they watch Mendoza eyeing one of the cheerleaders. She noticed that he was passing the Varsity making her sigh.

"Oh boy." She mumbled as he was shoved against the lockers. Then, one of them steals Kenny's good, ripping the bag apart. Cass let's go of Adam's hand and storms over to the group, she snatched Kenny's food bag and gives it back to the boy.

"Watch it, big boy." Cass threatens, glaring up at the two players in front of her. "Quit messing with my team or else you'll find ants in your pants."

"Awww, so scary. What is little miss Conway going to do?" Rick Riley spoke up, sending a smirk her way. The girl scowled and was about to pounce at the boy until Adam got ahold of her, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her back.

"It's not worth it, Cass." He mumbled into her ear. Cassidy just glares at the duo as they laughed and walked away.

"Hey, I gotta go to class, I'll see you at lunch though. Right?" Cass eventually calmed down and turns around, adjusting Adam's tie.

Adam smiles at her, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead as he nodded his head. "Yep, I'll see you at lunch."

Cass smiled back at him, pecking his lips before walking away with her brother to class. Adam watches her walk away with a love struck expression on his face.

The Conway twins walk down the stairs, Charlie sighing. A girl quickly stops them. "Hi. Uh, will you sign a petition?"

Charlie stares at her with wide eyes, dazed by the girls beautiful looks. Cassidy quickly took notice of this and elbows him.

"Uhh yeah, sure. What's it for?" Charlie asked her.

"We're demanding the board change the demeaning Warrior name." The girl spoke up with a smile on her face. Cassidy tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at the piece of paper she handed her.

"That's amazing!" Cass smiled. The girl smiled back at her and then looked back at Charlie.

"You two are a cute couple." She said making the twins eyes go wide. They looked at each other and then quickly shook their head, laughing.

"No, no, no. He's my twin brother." Cassidy said, laughing.

"Oh! I am so sorry."

"Well, Warriors isn't so bad, is it? I mean, you got the Indians, the Braves, the Redskins." Charlie spoke up, not knowing what he was saying is messing this whole thing up.

The girls glances over to Cassidy who rolled her eyes and shook her head at her brother. "You're a jock, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I play hockey. In fact.." Charlie glances at Cass before whispering to the girl. "I'm the new captain of the JV team."

"Forget about it." She shook her head. "All you Warrior jocks stick together."

The girl walked away, talking to another person. "But I'm not a Warrior, I'm a Duck!"

From beside Charlie, Cass sighed, a frown on her face. Charlie looks over to her with furrowed eyebrows. "What did I do wrong?"

"Everything Charlie. Everything."

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐂𝐄  , adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now