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chapter twenty-two, party poopers

CASS AND CONNIE we're talking about their big win today against Russia with Russ. It was the first time they played with the boy, and it still felt a bit weird not having Adam on the ice with her. They had changed into their clothing for the day, instead of being in their gear. Cass felt bad for telling Coach but if she hadn't, Adam would've gotten worse.

Cass had laughed at a joke Averman whispered in her ear while she took out her french braids. She felt someones presence beside her, making her look over at them.

"Hey, Frankenstein." He greets with a smile on his face. Cassidy smiles back at him as he wrapped an arm around her, she leans her head on his shoulder.

"I told him no visitors but he wanted to congratulate you anyway." Bombay spoke up, moving out of the way of the entrance. Cameras were snapping pictures at the man who entered the room.

"Whoa what?" Jesse exclaimed in disbelief. "That's Wayne Gretzky!"

Cassidy slapped her hand onto her mouth and she felt like she was going to faint on the spot. A grin made its way onto her face and stumbled forward.

Adam catches her before she fell and ended up embarrassing herself in front of the man in front of them. He held her waist steady and chuckles when she continued to stare at Wayne Gretzky.

"Guys!" Charlie exclaimed, standing beside Gretzky. "This is the great one!"

"Wayne is fine." He chuckles, everyone laughing in response. Then, his eyes scan around for a certain brunette with blue eyes. "Hey! 76, Conway, right? You're really good, the scouts have their eyes on you, girl."

Cass stayed quiet, still staring at him starstruck until her twin brother elbows her, snapping her back to reality. She shook her head and smiled at Wayne.

"Thank you!" She said with a huge smile on his face. Wayne chuckles and ruffles her head full of hair.

While everyone else was talking to Wayne, Cassidy looked over to Adam with a grin on her face. She made her way over to him, nudging his arm.

"Hear that? The scouts have their eye on me." She teased him, making Adam roll his eyes and tickle her sides. Cass had laughed while everyone else spoke to Wayne.

"Coach, shouldn't we have our gear on?" Luis asked as the team skates out on the ice rink. It was the last practice of the season. Adam and Cass held hands while they entered the ice rink.

"Guy's, it's our last practice. You know what that means?" Bombay asked the group.

"The return of captain blood." Averman joked around making everyone laugh and Bombay rolled his eyes at them.

"No.." He trailed off and reached behind him for the beach ball. "it mean, let's have fun!"

Once Bombay had threw the beach ball on the ice, everyone immediately went after it. Cassidy and Adam sent each other competitive looks before letting go of each other's hands and speeding towards the ball.

Then, afterwards, Adam got ahold of Cass's waist, pulling her back. She yelled as he turned her around and brought her close to him.

"Adam Banks!" She scolded with furrowed eyebrows as she rests her hands on his chest.

"You still got the figure skating skills?" Adam asked her, raising a brow. Cass smiles and nodded her head before skating away from Adam and in the middle of the rink.

She then glides through the ice with her leg lifted up before turning around in a spin. Everyone stopped playing with the beach ball to stare at her in awe.

"Do I still have it?" She asked the team as she stopped spinning. They all cheered for her, Cass chuckling and skates toward her friends. Averman smacked the ball, making it roll down the ice.

Then, they looked up to see the Viking standing there. Stansson picked up the ball and squeezed the air out of it. Cass frowned at him.

"You kidding me?" She mumbled under her breath. The Vikings skate up to the Ducks, one on each side of the rink.

"Playtime is over. We have the ice now." Stansson spoke up. "You and your little rink rats must leave."

"Even if we do leave, it's still going to be playtime for you guys because you play like a bunch of wussies." Cassidy shoots back at him, Stansson laughing at the brunette.

"You can't even take one of my players to the ice."

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" She asked, stepping forward but Charlie grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back. Cassidy looked at him, Charlie shaking his head.

"The only things little was your career in pros.@ coach Bombay said making the Team erupt in laughter.

"Well at least I had a shot. I was there." Stansson said with a smirk on his face. Cassidy really wanted to wipe the smirk off his face.

"You were a disgrace." Bombay said with a more serious expression. "All right, team. We're outta here. Let's go I said! Come on!"

"Can you still move on the ice?" Stansson asked him, making him stop. "Well please, play a little with me. Show me the famous triple deke your daddy taught you."

Stansson moves a little closer to Bombay, a smirk appearing on his face when he looks over to Jan's. "Or was it that old geezer over there?"

Stansson tossed a hockey stick to Bombay. Bombay had spoken up.
"Three bar, first one to hit both posts and the crossbar. Have to take it out past the blue line."

Both teams cheered for their coaches while they competed on the ice. They were skating around the ice, trying to knock each other down on the ice. Stansson bumped Bombay down, making him get the goal.

Almost instantly, Bombay got back up and they skate towards the net. Bombay managed to get it in two times.

"News flash. That wasn't even my triple deke." He chuckles with a smirk on his face. "One more post and you go home crying. By the way, Stansson, you owe me a beach ball."

Bombay successfully made Stansson made. He got back up from the ice, lifting the stick and swinging at Bombay's leg. Cass gasped before skating towards her coach.

"It's all right." Bombay assured him as Cass and Charlie help him back up.

"Get your coach off the ice, we have to practice now."

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