13. Nightmares

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Touya's POV

I've been here a little more then a week now. I love it if I'm being perfectly honest. After the thing with the League of Villains, I didn't get anything back. Soooo I'm assuming that they don't care. I kinda just want them out of my life at this point.

Coming back to the main topic- I've been here for over a week. We had a routine that we would always drink and watch movies after Hawks got off work. We would talk a lot about random shit. But.... today.... he asked a question, I thought it was simple but...

"Hey," he said. "So, can I ask you something?"

"Uh, yeah," I laughed. "Isn't that what we have been doing?"

He shifted and hugged his pillow. "It's a bit more..." he trailed off. "Personal? I guess."

"Okay, I don't mind," I shrugged.

"Why do you hate Endeavor?" He cringed. He looked a bit weird asking it.

"Becuase of the abuse," I said simply. He already knew a little bit about that from what I've told him. I don't know why he asked the question.

"Didn't you say that you guys used to have a good relationship?" He asked. I was taken back by this question. He has really thought about this.

"Uh yeah we did," I admitted.

"Even when he was abusive?" He asked.

"Surprisingly we did," I said. "I don't know why but I kinda understood the abuse because he was trying to push me to my full potential? I don't know."

"Okay so is it just now that you don't like the abuse or did you like realize it was bad and then ran away."

"No, um... I still don't like the abuse but I... understand it? Like I mean I have hurt a lot of people, it may have not been personal like him but still," I spoke truthfully. I actually never thought about it like this. It's confusing me.

"Then why do you hate him if not the abuse?" He asked curiously.

"I-" there's the thing with my mom and Shoto, I'm definitely angry about that. But I only just found that out. Why was I so mad earlier? I still looked up to him before I became a villain. Why did I even run away? I was happy... I was happy? I don't... remember. I don't even remember running away. I remember being happy and at home and becoming a villain in the same year... but I don't remember what happened in between. I think that something happened, no, I know something happened. I just... can't remember it. Why can't I remember it?

"I'm sorry," Hawks said sincerely. "I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay," I stared off to the distance. "I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Oh okay," He looked down.

His face is making me feel bad. "It- it's not your fault, I'm just... tired..." I lied. I actually don't know what I am. So technically it wouldn't be a lie I guess.

"Okay..." he trailed off.

I looked at his face thoroughly. He seemed really guilty or like he felt bad. I scooted towards him a little. I leaned forward and gave him a hug. "Good night," I said and pulled away.

I really hope he doesn't think it's his fault. I mean it is but not really.

Hawks' POV


Touya's POV

I opened my eyes to see a blank empty room. I'm sitting in a chair, I can feel the ropes holding my hands back. I struggle to get them off of me. I try to burn them but my quirk doesn't work. I feel... small.

"It's no use, kid," Someone said as they walked through the door. It was Compress? Wait why did he call me kid?

"Why am I here?" A voice said. Wait, was that... me? Ohhhh I get it, is this... a dream? I feel myself leave my body. Woah... I sit on the side of the room where I could watch this. I wonder what this is about. It isn't a memory, I never got kidnapped by the League.

"All for One found you, hopelessly walking through the streets. He could sense your pain, but when he tried to save you, you struggled so here you are." He explained. That is such a weird excuse for kidnapping someone.

"You can't do this!" My younger self said while shaking. "My dad will find me and send you to jail!"

"Oh, really?" He laughed. "That's funny, cause it looks like those injuries you have... they came from him didn't they?"

"N-no, this is just from my quirk," my younger self said. I looked scared. I mean it makes sense, I was just kidnapped. I still have no clue where this from.

"Ha, sure," he said. "If he really does care, then we'll hand you over, for a small expense, of course."

"He doesn't care about money-" I said. "He'll find me! I'm sure of it..."

"You don't sound so sure," he laughed. "Looks like we'll find out.."

I sat up quickly as I woke up. I feel wetness on my cheeks. I whipped my eye lids with my sleeves but it kept coming. That couldn't have actually happened. Right? I think back and try to remember.

I walk out of my bedroom while still bleeding. I went down to the kitchen and got some paper towels. I walked back up stairs while holding the paper towels to my face. I felt a hand grab my arm.

"Holy shit, Touya, are you okay?" Hawks asked me. I pulled my hand away. I don't know why but... right as I looked into his eyes... it was as if everything came back to me. Everything. I felt more bloody tears come down my face. "Touya! What's wrong?"

"I-" I couldn't get a word out, I feel terrible. I sobbed instead.

"Are you crying?" He asked. I nodded. "Aww it's okay, come here." He hugged me. As he did, he wrapped his wing around me as well. I leaned down to tuck my head into the nape of his neck. I clung onto him very tightly. Like the world was ending.

"What's wrong?" He asked.


Y'all wanna bet what happened? I think you could honestly.

Words: 1050

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